****Vertical Grow System****

If you look at the other systems out its not bad.

omega $5800
coliseum $3200 OUT OF BUSINESS by the way
Pi Rack $4600
Pi wall $4000
roto grow $5000
hanging garden $5800
Gi grow
small $3000
med $3900
large $4600

The 1st system I built cost me $1000 for 2 towers and took a week of planning and building. If you take the retail price of everything and the time building not to mention if you don't have all the tools neccecary it will end up costing you alot more. The only reason I am able to make a buck is I am buying this stuff in bulk I purchase enough stuff to build 100 towers at a time. Here is the retail price break down for all the componets that go into making 1 tower. Anyone that is from this site or other sites I have posted this system I will give you $500 off my retail on the 3 tower and above and $300 off the mini.
Tower break Cost 3 levelMetal 42'$78.00 Short T X 19$147.25 45's X 3$66.00 6" Pvc 18'$86.00 End Caps X 6$72.00 Casters X 3$24.00 plumbing$35.00 Total$508.00

volksgarden $1,995.00 - 5 min setup time 3 to 5 lb yield in 7 weeks once you have some idea how your plants react to it and if you have a good strain. count your first grow as edu, 2nd grow is 3lbs plus and it can be done with 40 plants and less if you take a few more days to veg, and that is done with 1 x 600 watt lamp in only 10 sq ft.

and it will go through a doorway full of plants so you can literaly pick up and be out the back door with your whole grow in less then a minute, while you would have to kiss goodbye to an op like the one in this thread
you're right, it is very competitive; and like i said, i was just wondering at what would cost so. trust me, i know about labor hours in building a system, and how time consuming they can be.

let me also say that omega gardens suk. big time.

keep it up, and i wish you luck in your ventures!

if by "suk" you mean 'super uber kool' then i would have to agree. before the omega there was nothing cool on the market, only the phototron and the pipedream. i know guys who are pulling 11 lbs from their omega in 7 weeks with 1200 watts in 20 sq ft. nothing can touch the rotary garden for efficiency.

the omega inspired about a dozen copycats and at least a dozen other units along the line of this poor coat tail relative seen here.
if by "suk" you mean 'super uber kool' then i would have to agree. before the omega there was nothing cool on the market, only the phototron and the pipedream. i know guys who are pulling 11 lbs from their omega in 7 weeks with 1200 watts in 20 sq ft. nothing can touch the rotary garden for efficiency.

the omega inspired about a dozen copycats and at least a dozen other units along the line of this poor coat tail relative seen here.

That looks amazing! I've always thought that it would have to be "colliseum like" but i guess not. Nice use of lights and everything. Do you have any light getting through those PVC pipes? What kind of pump are you running for that? How often do you flood the pipes?
whats the minimum distance from light to the tubes or base of plant? I hopfully will be makeing somthing much less cool .
11 lbs from their omega in 7 weeks with 1200 watts in 20 sq ft.

maybe they are counting it wet, with the stalks, fan leaves and the root balls too.
11 lbs from their omega in 7 weeks with 1200 watts in 20 sq ft.

maybe they are counting it wet, with the stalks, fan leaves and the root balls too.

i have 11 pounds here, DRY. i'm gonna go see if it will fit in 20 sq feet. lol

that's a 5 X 4 area, correct? if i lay it out flat, one bud deep.

i call b*llshit.

Hows everyone doing I haven't been around here much but I am good friends with Garden Knowm he showed off my system a while back but my moms were not big enough for 54 clones. The system consits of 6 digital 600's covering 126 vertical sq ft(only uses 36 sq ft of floor space). Eveything is controlled by a cap xgc-1 brain I haven't hooked the co2 Gen up yet but that will be by next week. I let them go in the flood table a little longer than normal so I should only have about 2 weeks of veg till flower I normaly veg 21 days to fill up the whole space. I used a mix of hydroton and rock wool grow cubes so that it wicks we are only using the nft connections no drip.
Grat system man , i'mn thinking about buildin one of my own but i was thinking drip system , hey i don't wanna sound stupid but what is NFT connections?
Grat system man , i'mn thinking about buildin one of my own but i was thinking drip system , hey i don't wanna sound stupid but what is NFT connections?
wooow i just so what i wrote sorry for the spelling , i was typing to fast and my keybord was fucking up on me , i have to change batteries in that damn thing , wireless keyboards r cool but when battery is going on them they tend to play tricks lol