****Vertical Grow System****

Man that looks like something out of 2001 A Space Odyssey! "Open the pod bay doors HAL." I hope you can get enough light out of that arrangement tho; it looks like it's quite a ways from the lights to the plants and you know the lumens degrades exponentially with distance. It's an absolutely beautiful setup!!
potpimp in order to fill that amount of space with that amount of plants they have to get pretty big by the time they are done growing they will only be about 1 ft from the light. If it were a sog type grow then yes it would be a little far away. I try to keep my plant numbers low. I moniter everything with a lux meter so I will get the most out of what I got.
Man you are one sharp dude. I can't wait to see what this looks like by the first of the year. +rep from me too.
hi ugu! very nice system :)

one question though;

why so damn expensive? is there something special you can't see in the pix?

just wondering, not downing :)

This is the most badass thing I have ever laid my eyes on. I almost want to do something similar now just stick it in my cabinet lol. Rep to you sir.
hi ugu! very nice system :)

one question though;

why so damn expensive? is there something special you can't see in the pix?

just wondering, not downing :)

There's 6 1000watt lights love, that might explain part of the reason the setup is so expensive.
Thats just my two cents though.:joint: