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I can also stick my toes in my gob, but I think I would rather not bite them gnarly mofos, lol.
Was an elite toe sucker in my days, lol......the more Muay Thai I do the stretchier I seem to get. I can rest my forehead on my knees no problem at all (but no, my back is not double jointed, :shock:)
I can rest my forehead on my knees... I think its a skinny thing. Can't really sit cross legged on the floor though my legs don't really go that way. Side note one of my neighbors leaves for work at 430am and gets home round 6pm. That would suck.... Unless you hated being home.

anyways I used to cut my grandmas toenails when she was still here. It was a very bonding thing. Holy cow did she have some beauties. Really big lady in her 80s with diabetes.

the boys from the grocery were fired.

to dst and some guy.... Is the baby here yet?

edit: got real good autocorrect for the most part but it always leaves my as mu. Who is ever saying mu? Is that the correct spelling for moo?
Mu is pronounced 'mew' and is a greek letter (uppercase Μ, lowercase μ) primarily used in the lower case for academics as a variable designation. When I was in college we used it extensively in statistics.
They say if u can stand up from sitting cross legged on the floor with out using ur hands u will have a long life lol. I have chewed my toe nails since i can remember lol.
Welcome to riu. Let us know of you haven't figured it out.

wanna respond to the rest you but busy working and don't wanna type it all on the phone
They say if u can stand up from sitting cross legged on the floor with out using ur hands u will have a long life lol.

Show of hand how many people just tried this lol Sounds good to me, now I can do all the crazy things Iv always wanted to and not worry about it! Thanks!
Hehe... just tried it. No problem. :) I got good genes anyhow, my uncle is 94 I think, great grandpa lived to 98. Had a few centurions in the fam.

No way I could chomp my toenails though.