Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
my wife is going to like the baby with the cat she has been asking about her and wanted me to pull up a pic she is napping with my baby girl right now


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies fellas.

Doc, hope they had a good nap together. I love napping with my little H.

Here's her tiny little hands.



Well-Known Member
She loved it like I thought. She just started at a veterinarian office so of coarse we love animals and babies


Well-Known Member
They are sharp like razors, but thankfully they are weak and break a lot. It's a chore trying to cut them, specially since when she is sleeping I try to do other stuff, so we always do it when she's awake.

Plants are looking happy today after their tea. I picked up a 400w setup from a friend. Thanks. Will have 650w rockin soon.

Had a good day out yesterday at a RIU'rs house. Was a nice visit, and saw a really dope set up. It was the first stealth setup I've seen and one wouldn't know it was a grow till opening the cabinet. Not even loud. I was very impressed. Had some good food too. It's nice to meet folks who eat well. :)

Smoked some nice herb too. Always love trying new stuff. Thanks again bro. :)


Well-Known Member
Jig, it was great to have you all over. We had a great time too and look forward to grtting together again. Hannah is awesome and was such an angel baby her entire visit. Glad you liked the setup and my play area. :-) Waiting for lights out today to try that 1k lamp out. :-). We will see how it looks tonight on that 600w digital ballast.

Im liking the change up in herb myself. Nothing better than wake and bake and chores! Lol. Thanks again for driving out, we all had a great time.


Well-Known Member
i am kind of jealous i am lonely out here in the swamp. i moved and now i see the differance in knowing a couple good folks and none. the baby is looking just fine jig and yes the nails are sharp. in ATL,GA they put mitts on my boy. in LA they didnt do it for my girl.


Well-Known Member
I don't use clippers myself, only a nail file. Its more precise and I'm picky about my nails lol. Totally not kidding. ��


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should apply that to your hair as well, mwahahahaha (you asked for that one!) Can't wait until little Hannah starts grabbing and pulling that mop of yours....tehe.


Well-Known Member
No waiting necessary. She grabs my hair now... Not too much pulling yet. She'll grab a handful with each hand and kinda swing her arms/ my head around. Its cute and pretty annoying.


Well-Known Member
I dont want athletes foot on my hands.
Not that I have that, but clippers are dirty and sit around, and who knows what bacteria are on footie ones?:confused: :spew:


Well-Known Member
By golly Id like to use either one if I could find it lol I bite my fingernails, cant really do that with my toes though haha.


Well-Known Member
I can bite my toes but seems like my nails are tougher than my teeth :O Thats why i use a giant foot clipper for my fingers. People say nails get healthy by eating lots of veggies. BS! :D