Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

I have a local community garden/ farmers market/nursery I grab from but I get a 5gal of bedding and worms/cocoons for 10 bucks. They're healthy worms and loaded with food in the bedding, also comes with springtails and mites. I found a few centipedes that I'm not happy about but I go through the 5er first before introducing anything to my farm.

But 2 cuft /week is fucking insane! I must have them!!!!!

That's in 2 weeks. I was blown away too. I've never ever seen it that fast before. I dug all through the bin just to check. I'm doing the tier system to harvest. So I ahead ro wait a week or 2 til they all move up.
Ok so I made my bedding. I wanted to use peat but forgot it at my grow.

So here's what I did. Tell me if something is off.

In a large bowl:
1/2 brick of hydrated coco coir
2 heaping handfuls of shredded paper
2 heaping handfuls of shreddedcardboard
1 handful of organic barley straw
1 cup of organic rice hulls
3 heaping handfuls from the underside of a leaves pile that I have had sitting all winter outside
Roughly 4 cups of soil from a ROLS plant that finished already
1/2 cup of pumice (comes w the worm factory 360)

1 tbsp of the volcanic rock dusts that come w it (worm factory 360)
1/2 tbsp of basalt (just cuz)
1 tbsp of glacial rock dust
1 tbsp of organic oyster shell flour
1 tbsp of organic crustacean meal
1/2 tbsp of organic fish meal
1/2 tbsp of greensand
1/2 tbsp of azomite powder
1tbsp of organic alpaca gold poop
1 tbsp of organic kelp meal
1 tbsp of organic neem cake

As I type all that I realize how much and crazy that sounds....

So I layer that out and then Ill put the worms. I have veggies frozen in freezer that ill pull out tonight, then add them to the blender along with probably a tbsp of karanja cake.

Ill spread that all on a paper towel then add some shredded cardboard and shredded paper on top and then moisten it. This step I feel could be skipped? ( adding the cardboard and paper since I have the paper towel that will be moist?)

Then I was going to add a dry layer with organic barley stray on top to deter escape, pests ect.

What do you guys think?
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That will certainly do for the start. Make sure to have enough paper and cardboard in there for the worms. Its all about personal preference and what your gonna be using the castings for. Ain't this a cool site. I just put fresh bedding in my 2 totes the other day and I used wet cardboard, composting leaves, pulp from apples, carrots and beets, and some horse manure, chopped up banana peels, and a bunch of used herbal teas.
Ok so I made my bedding. I wanted to use peat but forgot it at my grow.

So here's what I did. Tell me if something is off.

In a large bowl:
1/2 brick of hydrated coco coir
2 heaping handfuls of shredded paper
2 heaping handfuls of shreddedcardboard
1 handful of organic barley straw
1 cup of organic rice hulls
3 heaping handfuls from the underside of a leaves pile that I have had sitting all winter outside
Roughly 4 cups of soil from a ROLS plant that finished already
1/2 cup of pumice (comes w the worm factory 360)

1 tbsp of the volcanic rock dusts that come w it (worm factory 360)
1/2 tbsp of basalt (just cuz)
1 tbsp of glacial rock dust
1 tbsp of organic oyster shell flour
1 tbsp of organic crustacean meal
1/2 tbsp of organic fish meal
1/2 tbsp of greensand
1/2 tbsp of azomite powder
1tbsp of organic alpaca gold poop
1 tbsp of organic kelp meal
1 tbsp of organic neem cake

As I type all that I realize how much and crazy that sounds....

So I layer that out and then Ill put the worms. I have veggies frozen in freezer that ill pull out tonight, then add them to the blender along with probably a tbsp of karanja cake.

Ill spread that all on a paper towel then add some shredded cardboard and shredded paper on top and then moisten it. This step I feel could be skipped? ( adding the cardboard and paper since I have the paper towel that will be moist?)

Then I was going to add a dry layer with organic barley stray on top to deter escape, pests ect.

What do you guys think?
Alpaca Gold? Now I know you've been ordering from build-a-soil. Good shit man! I'd save that alpaca and put it in soil as it is completely safe and non burning. Save the hot manures for the worms, they don't mind.
Props on supporting an organic canna growers company. I like to see that.
I'd be proud of that bin! Just remember, if your worms are new, don't overload them with options. Let them acclimate first for a few days to 1 week. Then you can start to hook em up, and they'll go bonkers for anything you give em.
Keep your temps in check. I like to keep my farm at an ambient temp of 75F. Any hotter and they won't be happy and will burrow down where it's cooler. Also the higher temps seem to encourage mites and the like and they will compete for food. Fuck mites, we're not farming them so don't let the numbers get too high, but don't freak when you see them, they're a natural part of vermicomposting.

If you can maintain consistent temps and a preferred food source, your worms will breed like nothing you've ever seen before. All of a sudden, one day when you go to check, you'll have thousands of eggs.
Eating and breeding is what we want to see!
I have found that my worms do not like neem.
Care to elaborate? I'm having worm bin issues and really trying to learn. My worm bins are too acidic and my soil's too alkaline, bollocks pmsl

On a serious note though, was it exodus or just avoidance?

It's not happened recently, but I've had mass exodus's in a bedroom wormbin...........not good..........trying to dig worm out of a carpet is no fun at all, for you or the worms lol
most common mistake raising worms in a bin is over feeding, I did it too, in fact I never successfully raised worms in a bin... I gave up after my first failure, it wasnt for me, now I raise them outdoor not in a bin.
I just got my worms. They sent me 2 lbs. This is a full 2 lbs too. Like a butt load. I'm concerned the tray is either too small or I don't have enough bedding. What do you guys think? I'll post a pic later, got to feed the baby!