No it is not i have two bens. One is a 27 gal tuff tote and one is a open bottom box under a rabbit pen. I have used chest deep freezers, old school big satellite dishes, and lined plywood troughsWhat kind of bin do you guys use? Is it necessary to buy/build a multiple bin setup? I want to order my worms today but not 100% sure what type of bin to build.
If you use 1\16 it will leave the worm cask and only pull out the castings. I have been using it for a couple years now.I agree - 1/8th.
I'm still using the 18 gal Rubbermaid totes I started with 5-6 years ago. Running 2 of them. The DIY bit was on *Redworm Composting* Still is, but you need to search a bit.What kind of bin do you guys use? Is it necessary to buy/build a multiple bin setup? I want to order my worms today but not 100% sure what type of bin to build.
Check out Ace Hardware. I know they have 1/4 and 1/8" mesh cause I bought some. IIRC, even some 1/16", but I passed on that, it was so tiny.Home deps and lowes around here doesn't sell any mesh smaller than 1/4"
That's what I use for my sifter. Some worms get through. But I catch them when it happens. My sifter is 12" x 12" so I only sift a small amount at a time. It takes me about 20 min to fill up a home deps orange 5 gal bucket.
I like to use the plastic needlepoint screens. Work perfectly and it's smooth as to not hurt the cocoons.I'm at the point of building a homemade sifter like the expensive rotating model, using a couple 5 gallon buckets, brackets and 1/8" or 1/4" hardware cloth. Eighth inch seems awfully tight and I don't mind a little vermicomposting, so u guys think 1/4" is too big? I'm not too worried about the egg pods, but would like to keep my bigger worms separate.
Amazing and yum yum yum!Worm food porn??View attachment 3514888
Juiced a shit ton of apples and canned a bunch of cider... put a bunch of baggies full of this pulp in the freezer for future food stock since they like apples so muchcan't wait to get to the worm bins.... just need to stop doing other projects like this lol
View attachment 3514890
little over 5 gal canned so far. this year the taste is superb... last year there were no apples. I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Cheers...