My dad told me that you put night crawlers in rabbit manure and the worms get huge and multiply. Said you could make a fortune selling the worms to fishermen. That was my introduction to the world of worm farming.
I really wanted to get into juicing and start cutting meat from my diet. My wife asked what we could do with the puree other than jam. Does the juice help with your energy level?This is great advise. We do a lot of juicing and eat a lot of veggies. All scraps go in a plastic bag in the freezer even for a day or two, thaw and serve lol! I usually mix it up with a little fresh compost, maybe some coffee grounds, and the worms go crazy.
I really wanted to use it to replace some bad things like a 3rd cup of coffee. I like fruit and veggies, but it is hard to get an abundance of them everyday... I would rather eat fruit than chocolate but I often fall short on vegtables. I heard of others that juice in the morning and it increases energy. It would be hard to eat that many veggies by noon. I am totally not disagreeing with you. I really liked how you made your meatballs, and that is my problem. I probably eat too much meat.I read a study that said it is better to eat the whole fruits and vegetables. You get the benefits of the fiber and the chewing process releases enzymes in your saliva that help with digestion and sugar uptake.
Black soldiers flys larva are used in composting bins and work great , google it , now that being said not a problem but i wouldnt want them, lol.Back to composting. I found black soldier flies in my bin again. Do they do anything other than keep the fruit flies at bay? I have a nice population... Do worm bins attract harmful insects? I just put my bin inside with my plants with a/c, it was getting too hot outside and I noticed several kinds of insects.
Last month, I found red mites and I thought that they were the bad kind. I think that they were predatory mites and I didnt have to buy them online!
Go to a cabinet shop or a lumber yard. The kind of lumber yard that handles high end plywood. They use 4x8 sheets the cover the palettes and they throw tons away.I thought cardboard was a waste too. Then I tried it. They love the stuff, and they eat it like piranhas! The Kelp Meal box I put in the worm bin is missing it's entire side where the worms ate it away getting to the kelp.
The Pizza Hut boxes look untouched. That is my biggest problem - finding virgin untreated cardboard.
I never use news print but they really like the cardboard. I have not used any except 2 1\2 dozens egg flats in my current bins. I have so much hay poo mix from the rabbits i havnt needed it.Everytime I used cardboard and newspaper. It had to compost on it's own. The worms never touched it. They ate everything else.
I never use news print but they really like the cardboard. I have not used any except 2 1\2 dozens egg flats in my current bins. I have so much hay poo mix from the rabbits i havnt needed it.