Venezuela, Socialist Beacon...on verge of collapse? No, not bacon...

Don't worry, trump has a solution for you. He LOVES the idea of invading countries and stealing their natural resources. Just like he did inside the us.
the problem is simple, the same cancer that Spain brought over 100s of years ago doesn't let go of Latin American societies: CORRUPTION.

Let me put it this way - 20 years ago Maduro was a Bus Driver making his way up the Union ranks - nothing wrong with that. Guys was doing his job, earning a decent living helping out his fellow bus drivers.

Now his daughters travel the world in Private Planes, stay at the most exclusive hotels, and have been caught carriying around 20k handbags, riding around in rented bentleys all on the Government dime. This guy didn't become president with the intention of helping anybody but himself and his family.

Venezuela could open up it's markets tomorrow, sell off all nationalized industry, and let private industry try to flourish. But it's not going to flourish because the system is completely intoxicated with corrupt officials putting their own interests before the people's. And what they want is more important than what the people need.

And that's what's wrong with Venezuela.

It's not the politics of the nation, it's not the rhetoric, it's not any of that shit.

It's a handfull of guys who had the intention of taking all the nation's wealth for themselves, and living like kings while doing it. And they succeeded. Venezuelan army officials, attorneys, professors, you name it - have sold out their fellow countrymen in the name of expensive scotch and gold watches....

Keep that in mind, Trumptards. Presidents who are willing to screw over everybody and anybody, even their fellow countrymen, just to line their own pockets - it doesn't end well. It doesn't end well when the structures to keep corruption at bay are attacked, defunded, dismantled and discredited.

It doesn't have to be a communist regime that does this. Because these people don't care about the politics, political dialogue, political inclinations.. that's just fluff, it's noise.... they don't care about the politics and about the revolution, most don't know who Marx was, they could give a rat's ass how the country is run.

they just want to line their own greedy pockets and live like kings, even if it means millions of Venezuelans starve to death... if you can convince Maduro that tomorrow his kids will get 200million dollars each if he just starts a 'conservative revolution' - that's exactly what would happen.
Hey, nice lecture

Of course it would mean more if you, like, actually participated in our political process. Registered to vote yet? Big election coming up, time to get your safari hat on and canoe past the crocs and wild tribesmen or perhaps get things started using the internet.

This was just yesterday - not the same route I would take to the Embassy... but there was another student protest that crossed directly in the path of the route I would yeah, fuck that......

whenever you get the balls to come down here and take public transport let me know.

This was just yesterday - not the same route I would take to the Embassy... but there was another student protest that crossed directly in the path of the route I would yeah, fuck that......

whenever you get the balls to come down here and take public transport let me know.
You can use the internet. Here's a link:
Absentee Voting Information for U.S. Citizens Abroad

Voting is now easier than ever before.

U.S. citizens can now receive an absentee ballot by email, fax, or internet download, depending on the state they are eligible to vote in.

So, you never leave your yard? You still have plenty of time to register. But if you want to vote, in some states you have to be registered several months ahead of the election.

if you can't be bothered to sound out the words on that government internet site and get your ass registered to vote, you have no basis for your whinging. In other words, stfu. Or maybe you are making it all up. Then again, stfu.

As far as your fear of travel because of something you saw on u-tube, we had another school mass murder today in Florida. Does that mean nobody should go to school in the US?
You can use the internet. Here's a link:
Absentee Voting Information for U.S. Citizens Abroad

Voting is now easier than ever before.

U.S. citizens can now receive an absentee ballot by email, fax, or internet download, depending on the state they are eligible to vote in.

So, you never leave your yard? You still have plenty of time to register. But if you want to vote, in some states you have to be registered several months ahead of the election.

if you can't be bothered to sound out the words on that government internet site and get your ass registered to vote, you have no basis for your whinging. In other words, stfu. Or maybe you are making it all up. Then again, stfu.

As far as your fear of travel because of something you saw on u-tube, we had another school mass murder today in Florida. Does that mean nobody should go to school in the US?

We really need a national motor/voter law. It works very well in states that have it. You just check a box when you apply for or renew your license and you are good to vote. The states already know if you are a citizen or not.

There arer a lot of easy ways to get people registered, but the gop has made it a strategy to make it harder, especially in urban areas or areas that tend to vote democratic. They don't just hate democrats, they hate democracy.