Venezuela, Socialist Beacon...on verge of collapse? No, not bacon...

Just had a carload of Canucks drive by yelling our bacon sucks while blaring Justin Beiber. If I was in FL I would have shot them. Those guys can be hurtful, I like our bacon.

that' why the OP's thread title is confusing.

american bacon always comes with a duly elected "representative slice" on the outside of the package.

our bacon doesnt fuck around with no marxism.

(ii) Packages for sliced bacon that have a transparent opening shall be designed to expose, for viewing, the cut surface of a representative slice. Packages for sliced bacon which meet the
following specifications will be accepted as meeting the requirements of thissubparagraph provided the enclosed bacon is positioned so that the cut surface of the representative slice can bevisually examined:
(a) For shingle-packed sliced bacon,the transparent window shall be designed to reveal at least 70 percent of the length (longest dimension) of the representative slice, and this window shall be at least 1 1⁄2 inches wide. The transparent window shall be located not more than five-eighths inch from
the top or bottom edge of a 1-pound or smaller package and not more than three-fourths inch from either the top or bottom edge of a package larger than 1 pound.
(b) For stack-packed sliced bacon,the transparent window shall be designed to reveal at least 70 percent of the length (longest dimension) of the representative slice and be at least 1 1⁄2inches wide.

Hooray Constitutional Representative Republics!

boo hoo canada, your penile bacon has no provisions for the election of representatives, and thus your bacon is authoritarian, dictatorial and as a result, less delicious.

America! Fuck Yeah!
Here We Come
To Save The Motherfucking Day Now!
Just for the record:

Canada's "American style" Bacon has windows, too.
I prefer to get mine from a Polish Deli. They cure it differently, and slice it thin for me. The strips literally take less than 2 minutes to cook, and have a lighter flavour to them.
I find it best on sandwich-like devices.

But Canadians voted Costco "American style" Bacon as best in the Nation, I think.
It has windows, and I believe the pigs are from Ontario.
Haven't you ever seen Epic Meal Time? They don't import bacon from the states.
nice try canada.

canadians dont have any guns.

thats why the canadian gangbangers just drive by hour house and shout unkind but politely worded criticisms at you, before speeding off into the night on a snow plow.

Try breaking into my house then.... lol

I can guarantee you two things;

1) You will be shot.
2) I will serve you Tim Horton's doughnuts and coffee if you survive the shooting.
Just had a carload of Canucks drive by yelling our bacon sucks while blaring Justin Beiber. If I was in FL I would have shot them. Those guys can be hurtful, I like our bacon.

No one in Canada listens to Beiber.

He might be Canadian born, but he's American raised.

Oh.... and this.

That's awesome Beef. Where was that billboard?

Beiber is the fashion beacon for our lesbian population here, but I don't know anyone that can name more than 2 of his songs. He's still yours though, we don't claim him (or Robin Thicke).

I grew up 5 minutes from Windsor, by boat, so I have to give you props for the strip clubs beating ours, but I still like our bacon better.

Inflation is running at over 50 per cent, a raging black market buys dollars at more than 10 times the official rate, domestic industry has all but shut down; there are critical shortages of many consumer staples, including corn flour for arepas, the national breakfast. TV stations – now all state-controlled – are full of ads that alternately denounce capitalism or show square-shouldered actors talking about how they don’t hoard and buy only what they need. Billboards boast of how socialist Venezuela has never been stronger; yet almost no one has toilet paper in their bathrooms.

The apocalypse hasn’t come yet. “The crash never comes because Venezuela has an insurance other countries don’t have – one of the largest oil reserves in the world,” said Jorge Roig, president of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce. Venezuela’s economic indicators defy logic, he said, but the international thirst for oil has postponed the day of reckoning.

I wonder how Kynes will take this news.

I better load the whistle up before he gets here.

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kinda reminds me of mcmansions with no furniture inside..
uncured bacon isnt bacon.

turkey isnt bacon.

uncured turkey isnt bacon and the universe recoils in horror at the notion.

I found some information about the pork industry in Venezuela, and noticed they don't have bacon!
They have a myriad of other pork products, but no bacon!

This is the closest thing I could find, which is more closely related to prosciutto crudo:
But it is superior to turkey bacon.
Oh oh...the bacon riots are stirring up.

I found some information about the pork industry in Venezuela, and noticed they don't have bacon!
They have a myriad of other pork products, but no bacon!

This is the closest thing I could find, which is more closely related to prosciutto crudo:
View attachment 3008582
But it is superior to turkey bacon.
Serrano is vastly superior to other standard pre-packaged store bacon.

Buy local bacon, slain by farmer and chopped up by the butcher fresh for sale in his very shop...

Do you guys have butchers?
Serrano is vastly superior to other standard pre-packaged store bacon.

Buy local bacon, slain by farmer and chopped up by the butcher fresh for sale in his very shop...

Do you guys have butchers?

Yes, we have butchers in Canada. :lol:

I was thinking about it, further. Venezuela probably has a belly cut like Pancetta (which is very close to bacon but not smoked). It's just not a "commercial" product.
Yes, we have butchers in Canada. :lol:

I was thinking about it, further. Venezuela probably has a belly cut like Pancetta (which is very close to bacon but not smoked). It's just not a "commercial" product.
Serrano is like a wafer thin cut, cured bacon.

Only requires seconds on a pan, try it.
Nicer with a burnt edge tho.

I have to agree, here. The flavour changes when it is lightly heated (either in a toaster, pan, or microwave). Most notably, the sweetness of the crudo gives way to the salt.
But too much heat, and it's ruined.
the problem is simple, the same cancer that Spain brought over 100s of years ago doesn't let go of Latin American societies: CORRUPTION.

Let me put it this way - 20 years ago Maduro was a Bus Driver making his way up the Union ranks - nothing wrong with that. Guys was doing his job, earning a decent living helping out his fellow bus drivers.

Now his daughters travel the world in Private Planes, stay at the most exclusive hotels, and have been caught carriying around 20k handbags, riding around in rented bentleys all on the Government dime. This guy didn't become president with the intention of helping anybody but himself and his family.

Venezuela could open up it's markets tomorrow, sell off all nationalized industry, and let private industry try to flourish. But it's not going to flourish because the system is completely intoxicated with corrupt officials putting their own interests before the people's. And what they want is more important than what the people need.

And that's what's wrong with Venezuela.

It's not the politics of the nation, it's not the rhetoric, it's not any of that shit.

It's a handfull of guys who had the intention of taking all the nation's wealth for themselves, and living like kings while doing it. And they succeeded. Venezuelan army officials, attorneys, professors, you name it - have sold out their fellow countrymen in the name of expensive scotch and gold watches....

Keep that in mind, Trumptards. Presidents who are willing to screw over everybody and anybody, even their fellow countrymen, just to line their own pockets - it doesn't end well. It doesn't end well when the structures to keep corruption at bay are attacked, defunded, dismantled and discredited.

It doesn't have to be a communist regime that does this. Because these people don't care about the politics, political dialogue, political inclinations.. that's just fluff, it's noise.... they don't care about the politics and about the revolution, most don't know who Marx was, they could give a rat's ass how the country is run.

they just want to line their own greedy pockets and live like kings, even if it means millions of Venezuelans starve to death... if you can convince Maduro that tomorrow his kids will get 200million dollars each if he just starts a 'conservative revolution' - that's exactly what would happen.