Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

hey thanks for posting. in reference to vegan organic horticulture, its been around for a long long time, long before kushman was a speck in his fathers eye. ancient asian culture has shown the efficacy and usefulness of vegan organic horticulture. the argument that animal products are need to produce full flavor or full resin is long dead, I slew them personally.

and I have to say, I thought Kushman was full of shit until I dialed in my vegan garden (way beyond his idea of veganics). Now the results speak for themselves, both high ranking THC%s and superb flavor. Low yields tho...

Why should we think we know better than nature? That is not really the issue at all. Nature doesn't grow plants with the intention of smoking them. That is uniquely human, and only our experiences can tell us what affects the smoke quality of a plant.

hey matt if u slew those arugments personally how come iver never heard of u? u would think that if someone could compeletly win the argument of veganics vs organics u would be mentioned somewhere or there would be sum pics of ur work somewhere, and if veganics is superior to organics how come i get great yields of superb tasting flowers that rank pretty high in thc (a few co ops have had my meds tested so i know where my thc percents are) when u say veganic is low yielding? and no shit nature doesnt grow plant with the intention of smoking them, also the co-op natures nexus has a wide variety of all veganic meds so ive tried quite a few all veganic versions of tahoe og, grape ape x blue hawiaan, chem#3 to name a few and it wasnt in any way superb to any organic cannabis
Man, you know what? I don't know what you guys are talking about with this whole low yield thing. I have friends that run technaflora, and Dynagro in hydro, and fox farm, aoo, canna, and GO in soil, and I rank up there with best higest yields. Even my "bad" shit is keeping my patients incredibly happy, and me too and I'm just a pot snob, lol. Granted, I have a rotation and typically I veg for 6-8 weeks, but I still get 3 oz avg on a bad run. I've had 5 oz avg on good runs, all using BioCanna in an amended soilless mix.

Yeah, I was gonna chime in with the same comment. I don't do Bio Canna, I use General Organics (which is also veganic) and I generally pull monster yields (my last crop averaged just under 8oz per). Quality is outstanding (and has gotten better than what you've sampled with me). I don't think veganic has to mean low yields at all.
the reason u havent seen wha ive been up to is tha i just joined this website two days ago havent had time to post all my pics but if u look at my page u will find a few, tho one thing i do find lame about this site is everyone questions everyone else i.e. i havent seen what kyles up to, this website is suppose to be about sharing and theorizing on different grow styles and pros and cons of those grow style, as far as where i got my info, read in the hightimes 420th issue about kyle kushmans veganics he clearly states in that articule (he wrote it) that he uses highly refined bone meal that has been proccessed to be colorless and ordorless, considering kushman wrote the articule himself i consider that a pretty valid piece of info, and ur right nature never itended to be indoors, but nature never intended us to try and grow plants differently than nature does, its called human intervention, i have seen alota veganic soil mix recipe and nute schedules but none that i would switch too, i use to use the humboldt nutrients organic line until this based year i have switched to a more different style i use more solid nutes and just teas, i have found mix happy frog potting soil with garden & bloome harvest supreme u will get a great soil mix full of nutrients, add in sum humisoil and sum fresh worm casting and blam! great organic soil mix also gives u room to add alittle extra food in, i like to mix in sum all purpose 5-5-5 with my soil for alittle extra punch of nutes, all in all there are quite a few ways to grow cannabis and none may be the best way, also whyd u call me kyle? im pretty sure tha name isnt on my profile anywhere/

If you go back and reread that 420 issue article, its penned by "Ava Rize". Thats my sister. And that article is garbage, I came in after that and retaught Kushman what vegan organic means. Dude was using Pure Flowers and Rhino Skin, and calling it veganics.

hey matt if u slew those arugments personally how come iver never heard of u? u would think that if someone could compeletly win the argument of veganics vs organics u would be mentioned somewhere or there would be sum pics of ur work somewhere, and if veganics is superior to organics how come i get great yields of superb tasting flowers that rank pretty high in thc (a few co ops have had my meds tested so i know where my thc percents are) when u say veganic is low yielding? and no shit nature doesnt grow plant with the intention of smoking them, also the co-op natures nexus has a wide variety of all veganic meds so ive tried quite a few all veganic versions of tahoe og, grape ape x blue hawiaan, chem#3 to name a few and it wasnt in any way superb to any organic cannabis

Well your question seems somewhat sarcastic, but in an effort to move this forward and not blow you off...
Why have you not heard of me? I don't know, and I don't really care. I make hash 70 hours a week.
How come you get great yields? How the eff am I supposed to know the answers to these questions? Really?
The "veganic" meds you tried were probably not actually vegan organic. Your arguments fail really hard.

Haters gonna hate ey KB?

In response to
I dialed in my vegan garden (way beyond his idea of veganics). QUOTE]

Not trying to be a dick Matt, but would you please do a journal of your next grow and post all feedings and such. It might help to keep the HATERS at bay. Like you said Veganics is not high yielding so be sure to emphasize that. Your flowers are beautiful from beginning to end, your products are TOP SHELF, you have the expertise and the camera gear to take some nice shots, or vidz. to put together a great thread or journal a grow for us.

Now is the time. RIZE UP!!!

It might also help others along the way.

Yes, I just asked again:)
Nah man. Fuck a grow journal. I make hash all day every day. I garden one hour every third day. Veganics is just another form of higher organics.
...and coming from someone that is almost dialed in, i second that! :D:weed:

Yes would be nice to see the dial'd regiment!
You guys want me to come grow your garden for you? :mrgreen:
Read the thread. Its all here. I switch it up constantly, and I don't even measure some stuff. Feedings vary by strain, by garden parameters, by cycle. Discovering your own trail is the real way to learn. I could give you specifics, but that is for my strain in my room. Your feedings will be different than mine. The reason I run strains more than once in my room, is to dial them in. Every strain is unique. Now go do the work you want me to do. Lets see your grow journals.
Huh? I never called you Kyle & i wasn't asking about what you've been up to either :)

you mentioned Kyle as if you knew him or i thought maybe you seen something recent, you didn't say it was from an old high times article, if it's the article i'm thinking of....

And yes, since the first time a human planted a seed and agriculture was born, it has been non-stop human intervention, no doubt about that.

Like you said, there's a million ways to grow and a thousand ways to grow successfully. I'm here to figure out the best way to grow my herb, my veggies my flowerbeds without using anything from animals. Plain and simple :D Quality of flowers is superb and I only receive compliments - potent, smooth, tasty :clap:

the reason u havent seen wha ive been up to is tha i just joined this website two days ago havent had time to post all my pics but if u look at my page u will find a few, tho one thing i do find lame about this site is everyone questions everyone else i.e. i havent seen what kyles up to, this website is suppose to be about sharing and theorizing on different grow styles and pros and cons of those grow style, as far as where i got my info, read in the hightimes 420th issue about kyle kushmans veganics he clearly states in that articule (he wrote it) that he uses highly refined bone meal that has been proccessed to be colorless and ordorless, considering kushman wrote the articule himself i consider that a pretty valid piece of info, and ur right nature never itended to be indoors, but nature never intended us to try and grow plants differently than nature does, its called human intervention, i have seen alota veganic soil mix recipe and nute schedules but none that i would switch too, i use to use the humboldt nutrients organic line until this based year i have switched to a more different style i use more solid nutes and just teas, i have found mix happy frog potting soil with garden & bloome harvest supreme u will get a great soil mix full of nutrients, add in sum humisoil and sum fresh worm casting and blam! great organic soil mix also gives u room to add alittle extra food in, i like to mix in sum all purpose 5-5-5 with my soil for alittle extra punch of nutes, all in all there are quite a few ways to grow cannabis and none may be the best way, also whyd u call me kyle? im pretty sure tha name isnt on my profile anywhere/
In response to

You guys want me to come grow your garden for you? :mrgreen:
Read the thread. Its all here. I switch it up constantly, and I don't even measure some stuff. Feedings vary by strain, by garden parameters, by cycle. Discovering your own trail is the real way to learn. I could give you specifics, but that is for my strain in my room. Your feedings will be different than mine. The reason I run strains more than once in my room, is to dial them in. Every strain is unique. Now go do the work you want me to do. Lets see your grow journals.

Having a rough time over their Matt? Take a deep breath, relax, we're all just here to share tips 'n experiences. Don't sit there and insult us as if we want your "secret ingredient", fuck that, i'm just sharing my experiences and pickin' others brains that may have some insight and visa versa...... I would tell you to just stop while you are ahead, but it's too late, you're makin' yourself look bad man....

I've been postin' pictures up, pretty much no one else has, oh well

"Feedings vary by strain, by garden parameters, by cycle. Discovering your own trail is the real way to learn. I could give you specifics, but that is for my strain in my room."

Really man, it's all by strain? wow who woulda thought! Why does anyone share any info at all :D

You should really take all this as a compliment man, not like it's a hassle, people actually want to hear what you have to say..... oh wait, you already said it page after page right, so lets just close this thread and call veganics "case closed" lol :D
Having a rough time over their Matt?
Bro, when I get the same requests, from the same people, its frustrating. Fuck a grow journal. I have no secrets. I barely grow these days. Veganics is just another form of higher organics, its an idea, not a specific way to grow using specific products.
Yeah, I was gonna chime in with the same comment. I don't do Bio Canna, I use General Organics (which is also veganic) and I generally pull monster yields (my last crop averaged just under 8oz per). Quality is outstanding (and has gotten better than what you've sampled with me). I don't think veganic has to mean low yields at all.

We need to get together man. Let me know when you get some time. I'd love to catch up with you.
Huh? I never called you Kyle & i wasn't asking about what you've been up to either :)

you mentioned Kyle as if you knew him or i thought maybe you seen something recent, you didn't say it was from an old high times article, if it's the article i'm thinking of....

And yes, since the first time a human planted a seed and agriculture was born, it has been non-stop human intervention, no doubt about that.

Like you said, there's a million ways to grow and a thousand ways to grow successfully. I'm here to figure out the best way to grow my herb, my veggies my flowerbeds without using anything from animals. Plain and simple :D Quality of flowers is superb and I only receive compliments - potent, smooth, tasty :clap:

fasure, and like i said if its working for ya keep at it, ive seen sum of the pics the plants look pretty dank! sorry i guess i read it wrong thought u called me kyle lol whas like wtf wher'd u get that lol but ive only met kushman once back in 06 when he brought sum grape ape and stawberry cough clones to a buddy in norcal, i was lucky enough to be hanging out with my buddy when he dropped by but i dont know him personally
If you go back and reread that 420 issue article, its penned by "Ava Rize". Thats my sister. And that article is garbage, I came in after that and retaught Kushman what vegan organic means. Dude was using Pure Flowers and Rhino Skin, and calling it veganics.

Well your question seems somewhat sarcastic, but in an effort to move this forward and not blow you off...
Why have you not heard of me? I don't know, and I don't really care. I make hash 70 hours a week.
How come you get great yields? How the eff am I supposed to know the answers to these questions? Really?
The "veganic" meds you tried were probably not actually vegan organic. Your arguments fail really hard.

Haters gonna hate ey KB?

was never tryin to hate mate my bad if u took it that way, jus askin question on a forum where questions are supposed to be asked, as far as the articule i never saw any mention of him using any advanced nute products, and i wasnt really askin u questions they were sarcastic to point out that veganics is not superior in any way, and the veganic meds i tried could have been true veganics could have not been idk, and as far as my arguement failing really hard i dont see any answers provided by u on how veganics is superior but hey haters gona hate ey matt? im not here to hate im here to disscuss aspects of growing the lovely plant known as cannabis so if u take my challenge for more knowledge possibly knowledge i can benifit from as hating on u idk what to tell u, but prove me wrong explain to me why veganics is superior im open to being proved wrong its one of the best ways to learn
it's all good KB :joint: we're all here, at least initially, because we :weed: so puff puff pass to ya'll!

Matt: "Veganics is just another form of higher organics, its an idea, not a specific way to grow using specific products." Exactly bro, that's why i post the shit i post, hoping someone might say "yeah bro that worked good" or "nah bro that shit sux" etc etc...

but whatevs, i'll just keep mixing my soils and feeding my fungi and stay in my basement.....
I'd love for you to come grow my garden ;) but since that's not realistic was jus wanting the next best thing! A beginners wish for a seasoned bredren to pave the way! Just enlightened by ur work and dedication to the herb. Keep Rize'n the bar mang!
I'm the perspective guy, and I can see both sides of the field. The info is really all here, you just have to do some reading. And just like Matt said, my regimen changes every run, depending on issues I may have had, or new things I want to add to my soil, etc. I mean don't get me wrong, Matt was a little rugged, but seriously for the last year I have been reading this forum, people just come in and ask questions and don't do the research. (If the shoe fits wear it, if not it does not apply to you.) I can see how frusterating it can be. I'm not saying I know everything, but you really do see repeat questions every day. And no matter what anyone has ever advised me to do or whatever, in the end, I do what I want and gain the experience if it works or does not work. The basics for everything you need to know about veganic growing is in here, you just have to filter through it, come to your own conclusions and start somewhere, and from there, you tweak until it works for you. I use some of this advice from so and so, some of this from so and so. I have someone to thank for all of the different things that i use in my soil amendment, and someone to thank for all of the bottled supplements that I use also. I've been filtering through so many kinds over the last couple years, and have finally got to a point where I think I have what I like. Find the stuff that will compliment your grow, use it, if it doesn't work, get rid of it and find something else. We can all only give advice on what we know and use or have used. It may not work for other people in similar situations with different strains. I can already see that my regimen works great for some, not so well for others. Certain strains I ran in my system did crap for me, but I gave my moms to a good buddy, and they did great in his Fox Farms run. Find the strains you like that do well in YOUR system, get rid of the ones that don't or figure out how to tweak it so that it does. Best of luck to all.
I'm the perspective guy, and I can see both sides of the field. The info is really all here, you just have to do some reading. And just like Matt said, my regimen changes every run, depending on issues I may have had, or new things I want to add to my soil, etc. I mean don't get me wrong, Matt was a little rugged, but seriously for the last year I have been reading this forum, people just come in and ask questions and don't do the research. (If the shoe fits wear it, if not it does not apply to you.) I can see how frusterating it can be. I'm not saying I know everything, but you really do see repeat questions every day. And no matter what anyone has ever advised me to do or whatever, in the end, I do what I want and gain the experience if it works or does not work. The basics for everything you need to know about veganic growing is in here, you just have to filter through it, come to your own conclusions and start somewhere, and from there, you tweak until it works for you. I use some of this advice from so and so, some of this from so and so. I have someone to thank for all of the different things that i use in my soil amendment, and someone to thank for all of the bottled supplements that I use also. I've been filtering through so many kinds over the last couple years, and have finally got to a point where I think I have what I like. Find the stuff that will compliment your grow, use it, if it doesn't work, get rid of it and find something else. We can all only give advice on what we know and use or have used. It may not work for other people in similar situations with different strains. I can already see that my regimen works great for some, not so well for others. Certain strains I ran in my system did crap for me, but I gave my moms to a good buddy, and they did great in his Fox Farms run. Find the strains you like that do well in YOUR system, get rid of the ones that don't or figure out how to tweak it so that it does. Best of luck to all.

Completely understandable when repeated ?'s get frustrating but what separates the best is the ones that can put up with the worse!
They need a search button designated to the individual threads! Nobody starts a PRO! Beginners can be annoying but remember you were once there! One love everyone!
i remember matt talking about how he smoked a bud of some organic and it was better than his vegan. so maybe he ran with that. if thats the case i wanna learn what sustainable organics is..
I'm the perspective guy, and I can see both sides of the field. The info is really all here, you just have to do some reading. And just like Matt said, my regimen changes every run, depending on issues I may have had, or new things I want to add to my soil, etc. I mean don't get me wrong, Matt was a little rugged, but seriously for the last year I have been reading this forum, people just come in and ask questions and don't do the research. (If the shoe fits wear it, if not it does not apply to you.) I can see how frusterating it can be. I'm not saying I know everything, but you really do see repeat questions every day. And no matter what anyone has ever advised me to do or whatever, in the end, I do what I want and gain the experience if it works or does not work. The basics for everything you need to know about veganic growing is in here, you just have to filter through it, come to your own conclusions and start somewhere, and from there, you tweak until it works for you. I use some of this advice from so and so, some of this from so and so. I have someone to thank for all of the different things that i use in my soil amendment, and someone to thank for all of the bottled supplements that I use also. I've been filtering through so many kinds over the last couple years, and have finally got to a point where I think I have what I like. Find the stuff that will compliment your grow, use it, if it doesn't work, get rid of it and find something else. We can all only give advice on what we know and use or have used. It may not work for other people in similar situations with different strains. I can already see that my regimen works great for some, not so well for others. Certain strains I ran in my system did crap for me, but I gave my moms to a good buddy, and they did great in his Fox Farms run. Find the strains you like that do well in YOUR system, get rid of the ones that don't or figure out how to tweak it so that it does. Best of luck to all.
thank you kindly. put very well.
if you others would go READ thru the thread you will see that nightbird is a vegan organic guru. its all here, there is very little left to be said on the basics.

  • , but prove me wrong explain to me why veganics is superior im open to being proved wrong its one of the best ways to learn​

Bro, that is failing so hard I don't even have a joke for it. Really? Do you honestly think we have not gone over this ad nausea? The first pages are filled with background info from every vegan organic organization on the planet. read read read, then keep reading.
"prove me wrong" such a troll statement. Please, this isn't my first day like when I started this thread. Ask me an intelligent advanced vegan organic question that we have not covered and I will do my very best to get you any info, with sources, to help answer your question.

Try it or don't. It does not affect me.

Come back with advanced vegan organic questions and this conversation will instantly change for the better. realize that this back and forth is just filling pages with garbage for others like you in the future to read thru.
Here is a e-mail I got from Rize on the tube

Come to find out he is "not growing Veganic anymore, it's sustainable organics now" for the Rize.

Sorry brah,

Pakalolohui (Pot Club)

I mean most of what he said is true. I don't mean to sound like I'm trying to blow him or anything, but all the info is there. Everything that he has said in the last few days is true. There is no right way, find the way that works for you, and that doesn't come from someone on the other side of your comp screen tells you. For all you know what they are telling you is complete bullshit. It comes from the experience of doing it and getting your hands dirty.

As for guidelines, you just have to take what Canna gives you, which is very little, figure out how your plants work in their watering cycles and adapt to how your grow goes. BioCanna recommends to water 3 times per week at 8ml/gal in veg. My plants don't need watering 3 times a week. Maybe when they are due to be uppotted, but 90% of the time they get fed 2x per week. So I had issues trying to follow what they say. So I took their regimen and mixed it with mine. In Veg, like was said, Canna recommends feeding 8ml 3x/week. 8x3=24ml. I water 2x a week. 24/2= 12ml. In veg I start with 10ml/gal and then bump up to 12.5ml 2x a week. When they start looking a bit deficient like it isn't doing enough, I bump it up to 25ml 1x per week with a watering in between. When I go into flowering I start @ 25ml/gal Vega in week 1, in week 2 I bump up to 30ml/gal, in week 3, bump up to 25ml Flores in first watering an 10ml in second, if yellowing ensues, (normally at this time it does, I add in NN Nitrogen.) 25ml is the highest my lightest feeder (Bubba Kush) likes. So then I just start adding anything over the first 25ml to the second watering. Week 4-6 go the same except I will bump it up to 25ml first, 15ml second on weeks 5 or 6 if the plant will take it. If not I stay at about 30-35. Week 7 is 25ml, week 8 is 15ml, day 53 I start my flush. That is basically it for my soilless run. The organic soil run is much simpler. relying on about 15ml of the previous regimen coming from the soil, so it starts at about 10ml/gal in veg, and up to 15ml/gal each feeding in flowering. Use lots of innoculants, humic acid, some honey ES or Molasses is nice, though I think it is somewhat redundant to be honest as BioCanna is very molasses like. I find myself running less and less of it.

There are plenty of us who have learned from him and are more than willing to share our info. So if he wants to pass the torch, so be it, but most of the people who started a while back learned through experience or "the hard way," that the BioCanna line is very incomplete. It is missing trace, low on P, low on N, no Cal Mag, no humics, and is pretty raw. We've each tweaked the basics to make up for that and adapt it to our grow.

After 2 years of trying to do it my way, I've come to the conclusion that my way, though good, is not the proper way to use BioCanna. You need to use a good base soil with amendments to make up for the deficiencies of BioCanna. So if you are a newcomer to Veganics, TAKE THIS ADVICE, start with a good fertilized mix, (not Roots Organic, that shit is weak yo,) If you want to run a soilless mix and not have issues, go with GO. If you want to do it the hard way and run BioCanna in Soilless, you will probably come to the conclusion that Matt, myself, and many others came to and start with either BTP or a good fertilized mix. I use OF and HF, prob just gonna go with OF next run. I run 1ml Roots, 2.5ml Honey ES, and 10ml Vega in Veg and it works like a charm. If anyone wants to know what I'm starting with and how I run it, I've always been open, and I know many others, not gonna drop a dime on them but if they choose to chime in, feel free.

If you try to go the Soilless route, you end up amending your soilless medium so much that it resembles a soil mix with everything except nutritive value. In my Soilless run I use EWC, Kelp Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Dolomite lime, Insect Frass, Azomite, Mint Compost, Azos and Mykos, and TM-7 and Cytoplus Humic fulvic. I added the same amendment to a Happy Frog and Ocean Forest base, and it works like a charm. I'm actually going to add more amendments to the mix because I feel like my plants need more. The bitch of BioCanna is that I use so fucking much of it every time I use it. When you are dropping 25ml/gal in a 5 gal bucket= 125ml/5gal, multiply that by 6 equals 3/4 a bottle gone once a week. I started buying the shit by the gallon and it really doesnt last that much longer. The way I feel about it is that I mix the soil anyways, might as well try to get some nutrition out of it rather than relying on my incomplete nutrient line.

That being said, BioCanna does work great and if I didn't do well i wouldn't be using it. I do phenomenally with it. Great end product. Very smell, very potent, very flavorful. I just hate coughing up the money for it. Unless you are some science wiz, or like doing shit the hard way like me, don't use it in a soilless. Start right from the beginning and amend a soil mix properly and SUPPLEMENT with BioCanna, don't rely on it. The soil will give you what the BioCanna lacks.

I understand how Matt feels, even though he may have been brash about it. Everyone wants to learn from the master, but the master has other shit to do than check our petty daily concerns. He obviously has moved on from it, and just kind of updates every now and again on his hash making. Don't hate on him, everyone moves on or finds other things to occupy their time. Just find some other sources of info and other people to ask for advice. I'm fairly certain there are more than a plethora of them around willing to chirp and chime in about their experiences.
Thanks again Nightbird. U da man.

Keep in mind that the difference between super light feeders and heavy feeders is about 1/2 strength to about triple (according to the bottle recipe). Most varieties are on the heavy end.
Heavily Amended/Aged/Living Soils need less supplementation than store bought bagged potting mixes.
OG is a bitch to grow. Thats about it :mrgreen:
Thanks for all that night bird!! I started in pro mix and amended with pretty much what u listed. The girls thrive in it! Matt what is sustainable organics are u going to start a thread?
it's all good KB :joint: we're all here, at least initially, because we :weed: so puff puff pass to ya'll!

Matt: "Veganics is just another form of higher organics, its an idea, not a specific way to grow using specific products." Exactly bro, that's why i post the shit i post, hoping someone might say "yeah bro that worked good" or "nah bro that shit sux" etc etc...

but whatevs, i'll just keep mixing my soils and feeding my fungi and stay in my basement.....

lol hella brother! what soil mix are u using? are u running a peat based soilless mix like the mix from humboldt nutrients? i used to use the humboldt pre mix when i was a liquid bottle feeder, great mix! currently im tryin a few soil mixes, basic 3 or 4 part soil mixes, my newest mix is 1 part happy frog potting soil 1 part harvest supreme from garden & bloome 1 part fresh worm castings from earthworm soil factory and 1 part humisoil from bountea organics mix those together and cut a 1/3 with perlite and wala an nice organic mix that u just need to feed teas and molasses too