quoting d1stort
"trying to tell the plant what it needs instead of the other way around"
do you believe your plants need all that calcium?
if no... then why would you want it?
ahhh I get it... you don't really know how much calcium your plants need or don't need, because you really don't even know how much calcium is in the products that your using
because without knowing how to use the damn calculator you've dogged you cant figure out what 10% calcium actually means... you just toss it inn the barrel per the direction or someone elses and hope you have all it needs
i could be making an assumption here but,
when you say
you hit them with some mag plus
are you foliar feeding it? so your foliar feeding on a regular basis to offset a magnesium def...
and you don't think maybe you shouldn't have too???
ii guess you might have to in order to get past all that calcium in the root zone lol
another thing... if you understand that mag plus is just Epsom salt... why are you buying the mag plus and not just using Epsom salt?
No, you're incorrect I don't foliar feed it. Try again. You seem like the irrational type tbat needs hard documentation shoved in your face so again I'll refer you directly to VegBlooms directions which call for 4-5 GRAMS per gallon throughout the entire cycle. I still don't know why you keep referring to milliliters since this product is measured by weight. You're trying way too hard.
Edit : to answer your question as to why I use mag plus instead of the 10 lb bag of epsom salts sitting next to it, I bought a bottle of it almost 5 years ago and still have the same one because I require so little. Stop nitpicking everything I say and focus on the point
Double edit: I average 2.5 lbs per 600 watt DE fixture, I'm not here asking for help, I'm here offering advice so if you don't like it then maybe make your own thread with your plethora of copy and pasted information
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