Veg and Bloom Grow


Well-Known Member
Well for real the plants in Coco with the Canna nutes look freaking awesome and it is my first time using coco..I mean I have used soil for a while, but no experience with coco at all..but I must say they look awesome!
what do you pH your coco at? i use soiless basically. sunshine #4 with worm castings and a little lime. after this harvest i've gotta change some things around to the rooms so i'm gonna try coco as well with H&G's coco 2 part. also gonna try my sunshine mix with 30% coco added. i love sunshine but the only complaint i have is i think it's a little perlite heavy. dries out too quickly. wanna see how it does with a little coco added. should be fun...side by side with coco and sunshine/coco.


Active Member

  • I won't leave this post until everyone sees that you are indirectly advertising your product. I recommend Super Soil created by subcool. So tell me why that all your post are ONLY about veg+bloom on your own thread? I highly doubt someone is going to join a forum and only post about 1 thing and not contribute anything else. And you don't post any techniques to your grows other than your generic pictures and rave and rant about veg+bloom.

    Just leave RIU and advertise else where. You are the cancer that is exactly what this community does not need.


Who nominated you defender of roll it up? Haven't seen trolling this bad in awhile. veg+bloom works okay. Not the best not the worst.
Let it go and smoke a dab to relax.


Active Member
Yea your loss not mine. Sounds like this product licks balls. The only person saying it is amazing is the douche trying to sell it. He's obviously lying about who he is. And sdgrower go buy 100lbs of it you sound like a really educated. Person


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's the deal.

1. After speaking with the owner of Hydroponic Research months ago about RIU in particular, even before the VB thread was created, I can assure you that he is not on this board. If he was he wouldn't get into a pissing match about his product. The guy has put his life into his business and with a strong foothold in his local area he not only doesn't want to expand too quickly but wouldn't stoop to the level that this thread has become. It's just not logical. He doesn't need exposure from a few growers on RIU, his business is doing fine.
2. The shit is nuclear. I used a tsp and it burned. I've switched to a 1/4 tsp per week and my mad scientist love it in veg.
3. The stuff is free. I don't know how the above poster can say it "licks balls" when I received my free sample and now don't have to buy nutes. I guess we'll have to see how it does in flower but I can tell you that after speaking with the owner I have no concerns.
4. The stuff is simple and cheap. If it does work out I must say it's a hell of a lot easier than the RF Success and a lot cheaper too.
5. In conclusion I can say that this is free product that was sent to me as a sample by an owner that has demonstrated excellent customer service and so far a great product. Not sure what all of the oliver stone conspiracy theory stuff is all about but I will be sure to give a complete review when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's the deal.

1. After speaking with the owner of Hydroponic Research months ago about RIU in particular, even before the VB thread was created, I can assure you that he is not on this board. If he was he wouldn't get into a pissing match about his product. The guy has put his life into his business and with a strong foothold in his local area he not only doesn't want to expand too quickly but wouldn't stoop to the level that this thread has become. It's just not logical. He doesn't need exposure from a few growers on RIU, his business is doing fine.
2. The shit is nuclear. I used a tsp and it burned. I've switched to a 1/4 tsp per week and my mad scientist love it in veg.
3. The stuff is free. I don't know how the above poster can say it "licks balls" when I received my free sample and now don't have to buy nutes. I guess we'll have to see how it does in flower but I can tell you that after speaking with the owner I have no concerns.
4. The stuff is simple and cheap. If it does work out I must say it's a hell of a lot easier than the RF Success and a lot cheaper too.
5. In conclusion I can say that this is free product that was sent to me as a sample by an owner that has demonstrated excellent customer service and so far a great product. Not sure what all of the oliver stone conspiracy theory stuff is all about but I will be sure to give a complete review when the time comes.
well said...makes me wanna try a sample. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Yea your loss not mine. Sounds like this product licks balls. The only person saying it is amazing is the douche trying to sell it. He's obviously lying about who he is. And sdgrower go buy 100lbs of it you sound like a really educated. Person
And you're such a help to the community! I love getting advice from someone on his second grow. First since you were 15 right?


Well-Known Member
I started feeding my house plants in the front yard .25 tsp / gallon following the directions on the package and they're all doing really good. Although I think it leeches to fast in my garden's soil to keep using it there, but I do like it for my container plants. I haven't burned any plants yet; knock on wood. It lowers pH, but in my case it's not lowering it enough. Support is hit or miss too. They answered all my initial questions, but never responded to several follow up emails. To be fair, I never bothered to call them.

I loved that Hydroponic Research didn't make me pay for shipping on their free sample. And they didn't require it to be delivered to a hydro store. Also the free sample I got was actually their one pound tub, which retails on their website for $19.95. So even if all it does it equal my existing nutrients. I'm stoked. It's free fertilizer!


Active Member
Beautiful plants Cuebossa! What strain is that? I love how the leaves changed from green to that deep purple color in the last week: stunning to look at.

Did I hear that V&B was coming out with an experimental formula with an additive or two more than what's in the current V&B?
Hey there Redoctober. The strain turned out to be Chernobyl by Subcool. It was given to me as Super Silver but later determined Chernobyl. It has an amazing floral incense sage fragrance and very energetic buzz. I would guess I yielded 60-70 grams or so. The resulting nugs were saturated in sugar and a pure pleasure to burn. The coloration was very cool toward the end of it's cycle. I'm not sure about what V+B has in the pipeline but am very happy with my current results. I'll try to get some pics up tonight of my PROMIX-HP ladies. On that note are there any PROMIX-HP users in here? I'd love to get some feedback on watering schedules as I believe this hold 2-3x the water that the Aurora mix. thanks in advance everyone!


Well-Known Member

My experiment of switching from DM Gold to HR Vg + BLOOM is paying off already. I used a 4" magnifying glass to look closely at all 3 systems. Only the hpa is still getting DM Gold ONE Grow + Potash+. Both systems getting V & B now (~ 2 weeks) have ~ 5% trics, whereas the hpa < 1%.

Now this could simply be a matter of me not having added enough Potash+. I didn't want to over do it, so I just bumped the 5g rez with an other 6mls of Potash+: that may still not be enough

Even if doing this jump starts the trics, V & B is so much easier all the way around.

I ordered a pound today


Well-Known Member
it only took 5 days for my sample to get here! They too gave me the one pound container. I am going to use it with my sativa strain that is already on week 5 of flower. It is a 14-20 week strain so switching now should be ok. I am running this side by side with my sensi star which I use Jungle Juice Micro/Bloom Lucas formula with Bloombastic and Bud candy as supplements. I also add cal/mag every two weeks to the sensi star. There is really no comparison at the moment as the sensi is already flowering nicely while the sativa is taking its time like sativa's normally do. If you want to keep up with my journal follow this link...and thanks for the introduction to this nutrient company Cuebossa. I have a feeling I am going to like it!


Well-Known Member
OK animosity vitamins and silca what else would be needed spittle kelp or seaweed supplement. It probally stop all beneficial bacteria instintly right Idk I like G h rapid start would it be OK to mix.


Active Member
jimmy - if you ask chris at hr they will say that veg+bloom has aminoes and silica in it already fwiw
Not listed in the ingredients so who knows


Well-Known Member
I have been posting weekly pics in my journal. Update tomorrow. I am totally impressed with V & B for flower. I do not have any seedlings/clones going at the moment, but anticipate similar results


Active Member
Actually I was asking robotjr for pics. I have been watching your thread Pet and like the progress. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
What would be the best for supplement. I got this humic kelp fulvic amino blend from kelp4less. Or just liquid karma another free sample.staying cheap no advanced crap I do have a few thou but trying just use 1 main nute no other npk supplements during the veg to harvest.