I dont have any photos, and very rarely post photos as Im in a very very unfriendly state. One of, if not the worst.
But Its very simple, but you also have to watch, as some plants are very stiff, and wont cooperate, and will snap like a pencil.
I generally start from a very early age as the stems arent stiff. Usually. I just bend the plant over. I leave about 10%-20% of the growing top mainstem alone, and bend it from 20% down from the top of the plant.
You may also ne to bring the secondary branches around the growing main stem to make them grow Up Vertically towards the light.
I also slightly shake, my plants to cause stress, and make the stems/stalk stronger.
After a while you wont really have to muck with it alot except I do keep shaking the plant everyday to simulate a medium wind. I also keep a slight Breeze on 24/7 to strengthen stems.
Also if you want to slow the growing tip, just bend around on it everyday, but make sure and dont be to rough, and snap it.
One could also make a trellis, and tie the plant Loosely to the trellis to keep it from growing back up, but you will still have to keep tying down the growing tip. Just tie it loosely to the trellis. Can use Bread Ties. Just do not put it on tight, and make sure to compensate for the stem to also grow bigger.