Okay folks. I must apologize for not being around much to participate in all of your threads. But it is time for this old man to buckle down and get his ASS back to work!
It is said that if a person were to do what they most loved to do on a daily basis, they would never work a day in their life.
As of today, I have filed to incorporate as a Mutual Benefit Corporation for the purposes of distributing medical marijuana, either as a dispensary or as a grower pursuant to California Proposition 215. Within one week, through the help of my sister dispensary, PinkWeed, I will have 30 patients as members of my collective. That's 180 plants!!!!
I'm going to start quite a bit smaller, say 12 plants. I will be signing a lease for light industrial space in a known Marijuana friendly city in the OC tucked far away off the beaten path even for vagrants! And it's $.75/sf & .05 CAM with 2 or 3 months free. The power rate in the city is $.13/kwh and is not subject to California brown-outs because the city owns the power company! Landlord will allow me to build to suit including allowing me to install a second floor (the space has 18 ft clear cielings) and put anything on the roof as long as I run it by their structural engineer for weight including HVAC and SOLAR panels!!
Okay thinking too big, too soon! I have everything written down, step by step, based on avid amounts of reading on this site and two others. I've crunched numbers, run them by my two investors, they can't find anything wrong with my business and science logic and approach so they gave me the green light to proceed as a production grower.
I have enough upfront personal capital as well as investment capital to sustain myself for one year even with zero success. After a year and it doesn't work we walk away and I go back to what I did before, work for "the man". No harm, no foul and it is in contract.
I've taken Al B. Fuct's advice of "Fail to plan, then plan to fail" and put that mantra on steroids! Full written business plan, pro-forma and cash flow projection, drawings and designs, products and everything!
Oh and my business plan includes donating at least 10% in the form of cash and/or medicine to organizations who support the terminally ill, Hospice, as well as for homes for dementia patients who still need access to medicine. I believe that these patients should have free access to top quality medicine. At least I can help.
I couldn't see myself opening up a new business (it still freaks me out to say it out loud) purely motivated by money. So instead I'll be motivated by purpose to support my cause and hopefully I'll be rewarded by being able to support my family, now and into the future. I didn't go looking for this, I was asked (begged) by my investors to do it. I told them as long as I have exclusive control, their financial commitment and the full understanding that anything bad can happen, even the worst case. Hopefully I've planned for all of the contingencies.
So? WTF, Right? I'm only here once, this sounds like way too much fun to pass up, it could be lucrative and I WILL help others. It's my chance to take all of my life experience and see what I can create with my own hands, wit, creativity and intelligence. How cool is that to be given this chance to try something completely different and fresh in your life? It's the road less traveled.
No DIY stuff anymore. Full U/L listed, production quality, 1K vertical dual-arc bulbs, full hydro, security, perimeter monitoring, environmental monitoring. Remember I'm a tech guy.

Don't you just hear Tim Allen in the background? More Power!
I'm here to change the world for the better...or at least a small piece of it.