I figured I'd document my water maintenance procedure for upping the nutes in my tanks. Maybe it'll help others help reduce labor for their grows.
The other day I purchased 4 paint buckets with lids at Lowes. This way I can mix larger batches of nutes and have some left over to add water throughout the week since it's already been dechlorinated. The right bucket is water storage and the left bucket I will use for mixing. An interesting note on dechlorination. After treating the water and letting it sit for a bit, the PPMs drop from 410 to 290 which must be the chlorine and ammonia breaking apart and dissipating!
Let's go! Rather than changing the tube from tank to tank, I slipped one on each tank and then covered it with a towel. I don't allow any water to stay in the tubes normally. Here they are covered and uncovered.
By opening the upside spigot water flows into the tube up to the water level of the tank. Left is open and right is still closed.
Here's my little "cess pool". These are the 8 airstones that were in the tanks during the big slime and bug fest. The stone outside is the new larger stones I'm using. They are sitting in a 5.0 solution of bleach and H2O2 and I scrub them up with a brush every few days. Hopefully I'll be able to use these again at a later time. Otherwise, I use this to dump rinse water while doing water changes/adjustments.
Here's my toolkit and all tools are washed and wiped down with alcohol. Cesspool, clean 3ml and 30ml syringe with some rubber tubing, 1 measuring cup of distilled water for rinsing, 1L measuring cup for drawing off water, meter, a shot glass from the hydro store with every known measuring gradation, a funnel, pH down, my nutes and my mixing bucket.
Another pic of the bottle. I'm going from the 750PPM mix existing up to the 900PPM in 7L of water across 4 containers. This works out at .5ml/L more of BC Grow and 1ml/L more of BC Boost. Or overall 14ml/28L and 28ml/28L.
I first draw of 1 liter of water from each tank, test it for pH and PPM and then dump each liter into the bucket and I'll do one full mix and put back the water at 1 liter per tank and hopefully get PPMs from 1300 up to 1400-1600. By the way I don't worry about cross contamination between the tanks because they were mixed from the same overall batch and should all remain identical.
Last night adding the SM-90 caused my pH to rise quite a bit so I adjusted it low to 5.3 thinking the SM-90 would kill the bad stuff and make my pH rise. Not the case so I'll fix that later. But I AM loving the 67.7* water temp. Huh? Huh?
And the PPMs of the first tank
Here's the 4L combined pH...
...and combined PPM
Between dips, I draw in distilled water and air into the syringe, shake it, and empty it into my cesspool.
Draw it up...
...and measure it into the shot glass. The rubber hose throws off the measurments on the syringe anyways and this reduced cross contamination between nute bottles. Do you remember "forward contamination" in high school chemistry where you always use the same order when drawing up different chemicals to mix.
As you can see my nutes bring down my pH. I drew off one more liter from each tank hoping to get the average up a little more, which did happen.
Time to pour back the new solution, 2L per tank. Now we use the funnel.
By covering the tube with my hand, I blow air back into the tube and close the spigot simultaneously to get the water back in the tank on so I don't have to "eat" nutes.
This is a macro shot out of focus but the black spot is dead little fucker!

I found while pouring back water into Blue Dream's tank.

Thank you Cruzer and GB for getting me onto SM-90!!!
As it turned out 3 tanks ended up at 1490PPM at 5.7pH with the first tank only at 5.38pH which needs to be fixed. I drew off another liter from the tank and disposed of it and added back a liter of my dechlorinated water and enough nutes to get back to 1490PPM. The first tank finished at 5.67pH at 1510PPM. I'll take it!