Variety Grow - Perpetual, "Mini" ScrOG's, DWC in a Cabinet (First Timer)


Well-Known Member
guess life has taken you away from us for a bit. hope you get a chance to let us know how things are going. take care brother


Well-Known Member
Well its about time, weren't you ever taught to check-in? Glad your back, and hope all is well for you and your family.

So are we gonna get a nice update???


Active Member
I gave a bit of the circumstances in my other thread. But the sad truth is between trying to stay employed, working long hours, along with 100+ degree temperatures, I got too far behind, too many things were failing and I gave up and pulled the plug. It took me five weeks to bring myself to open up the cabinet and take out my babies. :( That part of the garage has not really changed, the AC is still torn apart and all of my tools literally where I last used them.

That's the past.............

Today the outside temperature is 70* and we've been getting down to the low 40's at night. I don't have to worry about any FUCKING air conditioning for now. aaaahahahahahahahah. Time to start over and guess what I found just a few days ago. What do you think is in here? :D Any guesses?



Well-Known Member
A qtr of some nice green? :)

Well sorry for the loss, but priorities come first! Glad to see you get another shot at it :D


Active Member
Here is at least 20 years worth of seeds from various eights I've had over the years (until a year ago I maybe scored 2 to 3 eights per year). They've been stored in this film canister the whole time. What are the chances of getting any of these to crack?


Who knows, I may have the perfect strain in here that grows perfectly for me! Hey the last few weeks I've just let the universe guide me.


Well-Known Member
I bet a good portion of them will crack for ya.

So what have we got to do to get you up and running so you can start germing these antique seeds...


Active Member
A link to the best method! :)

A couple of things I'm going to do differently. First off I'm going to use rockwool cubes for any future seedlings or clones rather than DWC. It takes up too much space in my setup and it's a PITA. Besides the cubes fit perfectly in the netpots and help to protect the root structures and provide better plant stability. My two best performing clones were both established in rockwool cubes and they had the best root structures out of all.

Next thing I'm going to do is turn the cabinet fully back on, close it up, run two reservoirs, each in a 250W chamber and a 400W chamber, with bubblers going for a couple of days and see what temps I'll have to contend with. I can grow weed much better when I'm not tinkering on shit. :)

Lastly I've been working on a method to keep water temps down without having to use frozen water bottles (this is where my last system broke down when I got overwhelmed). It utilizes a mini-fridge (working), tubing and a 1000gph water pump! First few results are encouraging. I was able to keep water temps at 65* inside my 250W cabinet with no insulation around the rez. I'll try and get a pic of the prototype.


Well-Known Member
When I get home I will post you a link to cruzer101 thread where he used a chiller from a frig, may give you some ideas to expand upon if you run into any roadblocks that is if you aint already seen it!


Well-Known Member

Hi again long time no see lol. I am so happy I've found your thread/s again...I have to go out n help my mate do his 1st ever res change lol, but when I get back I'll look forward to kickin' back and catching up on what you've been up to. I had a brief look through everything and am glad you took my advice on the tubing connected to the lamp, Peace - STELTHY :leaf:


Good morning I've just read through your whole thread, You have made some amazing mods to ur designer unit, The cab is coming along real nice, I especially like the latest bit with the AC unit that's pure genius Just a thought .. 'can the AC over heat/over cool with the fan removed?'

You've made some extensive mods and reading from from the start, past my original post and up to date I have found your thread to be very intuitive. What have you got left to do on the cab at this point?

Have you looked into Co2+Dampers or UV-B yet? I look forward to seeing what you accomplish next

Ps here's a link to my latest cab... I am 99.9% finished and have my first bit of vegging started Here's The LINK:

Looking forward to your next up date.. Here's some REP ! I am still very interested in this thread, it makes a change to see alot of time and effort being put into something, and getting good results - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
I do, but are you trying to cool your rez, cool your cab, or cool both with the fridges?
I need to consider both. It's now winter in SoCal and I'm not so worried about air cooling since my ambient temps are now 63* in the garage. The 250w chamber water temp stay at 76* without me adding in ice bottles every morning to get them down to 66* only for them to climb back up by the next day. It's even harder in my 400w chamber to do the same especially if I'm traveling.

Looking back it's probably why I never got really nice white roots like everyone else did. I never had issues with algae, pH or nutes (nute burn), in the water so I know the insulation around the res is doing fine. It has to be self sustaining.

After reading that thread, the fridge works perfect for a single small reservoir. But I want to cool nine separate reservoirs so I don't think the small fridge will have the power to keep up. But the AC unit I've been messing with certainly would! The coils get super cold and by using a copper pipe bender can easily immerse it into a large ice chest full of water.

Now buried inside that thread was somebody talking about using the cooling pan from the fridge and using it to cool the air in the chambers by redirecting the air intake to blow across the pan or better yet sit in front of a circulating fan inside the chamber itself!

I'm setting up an experiment today to test the cooling theory out by putting the open fridge in the 400w chamber and blow a fan into the fridge to move the air around. I'll have pics. Any guesses on what the result will be?

Lastly regarding immersing the cooper cooling coils from the AC unit into water. What are the concerns with doing this? All I could find in that thread was that it's not good to do but I don't know why.


Active Member

Hi again long time no see lol. I am so happy I've found your thread/s again...I have to go out n help my mate do his 1st ever res change lol, but when I get back I'll look forward to kickin' back and catching up on what you've been up to. I had a brief look through everything and am glad you took my advice on the tubing connected to the lamp, Peace - STELTHY :leaf:


Good morning I've just read through your whole thread, You have made some amazing mods to ur designer unit, The cab is coming along real nice, I especially like the latest bit with the AC unit that's pure genius Just a thought .. 'can the AC over heat/over cool with the fan removed?'

You've made some extensive mods and reading from from the start, past my original post and up to date I have found your thread to be very intuitive. What have you got left to do on the cab at this point?

Have you looked into Co2+Dampers or UV-B yet? I look forward to seeing what you accomplish next

Ps here's a link to my latest cab... I am 99.9% finished and have my first bit of vegging started Here's The LINK:

Looking forward to your next up date.. Here's some REP ! I am still very interested in this thread, it makes a change to see alot of time and effort being put into something, and getting good results - STELTHY :leaf:

Dude thanks for the rep. Just so you know I've been a long-time fan of your thread! :D :D I'm looking forward to catching up on everything everyone's been doing since August.


Well-Known Member
Dude thanks for the rep. Just so you know I've been a long-time fan of your thread! :D :D I'm looking forward to catching up on everything everyone's been doing since August.
No worries man! - Cheer's dude glad you like my thread (smug) yeah there's lots to catch up on pop by from time to time be good to read your comments etc - STELTHY :leaf: