Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

Sometimes it feels like antivaxxers know that they are doing something risky and unwise but they feel saferr if they can convince others to take the same risk.
Well at this point it seems the vaccine does not limit transmission, but the evidence still points to less severe outcomes so I figure it’s now a personal choice. I choose to still error on the MAJORITY medical opinion the it’s a better choice to get it. 5th shot on Friday :o!
So, like I said.. The idea of consulting with your doctor is a moot point, since they can only give you the specific information which they are allowed to give.
Nobody is saying what a doctor can say, they are just stopping them from lying to their patients by selling them dangerous death cult bullshit propaganda.
I'm fairly certain that under that pretense anything "contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus" would be considered "false information", as "contemporary scientific consensus" (whatever that even means) effectively defines what is considered true or false. Back in early 2021 when I was saying that the vaccines did not stop transmission of covid, that would have been considered "false information", but now less than two years later, we know that it is indeed true.
lol yeah, 'contemporary scientific consensus' basically just means it is not bullshit, and most importantly, the results are reproducible.

So basically the science can prove that it is bullshit, then that doctor is a quack selling lies, and that is very dangerous, and like was said earlier.

Sell that to the insurance companies.....

Well at this point it seems the vaccine does not limit transmission, but the evidence still points to less severe outcomes so I figure it’s now a personal choice. I choose to still error on the MAJORITY medical opinion the it’s a better choice to get it. 5th shot on Friday :o!
You are still less likely to actually catch the virus too, therefore it is reducing transmission overall.

This thread is fucking bullshit.
I stayed home sick from work because I wasn't feeling too well, and took a covid home-test just to be cautious, and came up positive. I guess that means I'm supposed to die since I'm not jabbed. I'll let you know if I survive, of course if I die, then you won't hear back.
That sucks man, I hope it doesn't hit you (and family) hard. Get better soon.
Thanks, I appreciate that. So far I just have temperature regulation issues, plus achy tired muscles. My daughter is also sick with similar symptoms, but I haven't been able to test her yet, as she's been sleeping all day. My wife tested negative so far.
What about breathing in the odorless gas? Seems every person doing a test would be hovering right over it? Imagine one mom testing the whole family, all freaked out all the time. Hoarding loads of tests, being the only one doing them all the time. That would be a lot of exposure right? Especially in a small room.

I'm looking now and yeah people have swabbed the liquid right in their kids noses, and had other accidents. Yikes! Careful guys :)
What about breathing in the odorless gas? Seems every person doing a test would be hovering right over it? Imagine one mom testing the whole family, all freaked out all the time. Hoarding loads of tests, being the only one doing them all the time. That would be a lot of exposure right? Especially in a small room.

I'm looking now and yeah people have swabbed the liquid right in their kids noses, and had other accidents. Yikes! Careful guys :)
“I don’t want to get tested because I don’t know what’s in it!”

sounds familiar.
What about breathing in the odorless gas? Seems every person doing a test would be hovering right over it? Imagine one mom testing the whole family, all freaked out all the time. Hoarding loads of tests, being the only one doing them all the time. That would be a lot of exposure right? Especially in a small room.

I'm looking now and yeah people have swabbed the liquid right in their kids noses, and had other accidents. Yikes! Careful guys :)
Oh you mean the darp4 hydro-gel filled fibers in the swab tip, that start forming a nano crystalline like antenna structure right by your brain after they pierce the membrane?
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