VAC takes Medavie Blue Cross to task over medical marijuana envelopes


no explanation as to why you feel entitled to free poison from tax dollars??
or why it is free at all?
My my .....this entitlement thing is funny...

If your house burns down and you got house insurance ... is it entitlement that they pay the insurance out ... that by the way... you paid into?
You might have a point ....except that that insurance policy is not available to the Canadian public, yet it is heavily subsidized by the taxpayer.
Oh god you guys are tools
You're the only tool here. Veterans Affairs does not have any money, they get it from us.Your 'insurance' policy only covers it because it is held by the Canadian Taxpayer...civilian insurers don't cover that expense. This may have gone a whole different way if you didn't come on here gloating because you get your meds for free when 98% of us are excluded. If you think giving free cannabis to someone who is very capable of paying his own way is a better use of tax dollars than increasing services to the poor, or schools or health care....but of course you do. You are entitled after all....
You're the only tool here. Veterans Affairs does not have any money, they get it from us.Your 'insurance' policy only covers it because it is held by the Canadian Taxpayer...civilian insurers don't cover that expense. This may have gone a whole different way if you didn't come on here gloating because you get your meds for free when 98% of us are excluded. If you think giving free cannabis to someone who is very capable of paying his own way is a better use of tax dollars than increasing services to the poor, or schools or health care....but of course you do. You are entitled after all....
well said
No they take away any reimbursement for it.... the only thing they going to cover is an order from a lp
The veterans affairs page is pretty interesting should try it.
Q6. Will VAC reimburse Veterans for growing their own marijuana?
No. VAC’s reimbursement policy allows for reimbursement of dried marijuana, fresh marijuana and cannabis oil when it is purchased from a licensed producer in Canada. Licensed producers are governed by Health Canada’s regulations in order to ensure the quality of their product. This provides the department with assurance that the health and well-being of Veterans is always at the forefront.

The movement to allow individuals to grow their own marijuana for medical purposes was to ensure access to the product without financial hardship. Within the Veterans Affairs context, Veterans can be reimbursed, therefore Veterans are not faced with financial hardship should they be authorized to access marijuana for medical purposes. So the only excuses for not growing are laziness, lack of skills or a sense of entitlement over need. Or in your case, maybe all three.