VAC takes Medavie Blue Cross to task over medical marijuana envelopes

Nothing wrong with my mental state or mental health, but thanks for the useless diagnosis, Doc. I live on an island where it's +10 and sunny today, I get paid to live on 20 acres of forested ocean front, I have no debt, I grow my own cannabis and generally enjoy the laid back hippy lifestyle of the West Coast. Yup, I sure need something to cheer me
people here only hate LP's you have a rather misguided way of approaching things. by attacking the sick

LP's are in it to profit off of the sick and poison people

but people will be allowed to do for themselves soon ;)

everyone (:
Oh do you make danillion wine too and eat grass...bugs stuff like that... you know living off the land or someone else's land
I dont expect people to take care of me (: If I did... Id be dead !

why is it that you feel they should take care of you
mention it again please..I have no idea why you get your shwag free or why you would brag about it..
I dont brag about getting free meds..they not free
you making things up as you go... stop that
cant answer why you feel entitled to free poison. you should be listening to the ones who are trying to help you. The poison LP dealers and the government isnt ...IlL guarantee that much
My my .....this entitlement thing is funny...

If your house burns down and you got house insurance ... is it entitlement that they pay the insurance out ... that by the way... you paid into?

If you choose not to get insurance on your house.... or someway put money together for a bad time..... your house burns down .... guess that's on you.... but I have no issues with my tax dollars being spent on helping you out
no explanation as to why you feel entitled to free poison from tax dollars??
or why it is free at all?