Va Governor Blackface or KKK robe? Your choice!

Absolutely but The electoral vote was established in the drafting of our has been the way we decide on the election of a president ever since....i get it some folks want popular vote to reign...but its just not the law never has been...if you want to change it you must change the you want just the states with the largest populations to decide?
Would this not disenfranchise some american citizens from having a vote?
Hillary kicked trumps ass by 3 million American voters
I get me...but hillary knew if she could not lock up the electoral vote...its over
Now if shes lookin for a participation sure trump can hook her up with a lil sumpin sumpin...but its still trump shittin in the whitehouse toilets....maybe you could have got out there and rustled her up some votes in the midwest....lord knows she didnt...but you know in your heart of hearts she was a flawed candidate
If the dems come up witha moderate level headed might even get me to vote for im...but this country is not ready for radical just aint
Sorry to tell ya but you guys created trump...if the dems quit bein scrambled eggs you might have a chance to out an incumbent.....if not the odds are 4 more years of trump...js
Absolutely but The electoral vote was established in the drafting of our has been the way we decide on the election of a president ever since....i get it some folks want popular vote to reign...but its just not the law never has been...if you want to change it you must change the you want just the states with the largest populations to decide?
Would this not disenfranchise some american citizens from having a vote?
An amendment would correct this artifact of history. Amending the constitution to reflect changes in societal views, such as abolishing slavery and universal suffrage. No other country has this kind of strange way of assigning votes for prez. Just us.

"do you want just the states with the largest populations to decide?"

That is an odd argument. First, why should people living in smaller states have an out sized voice in choosing the prez? Second, this argument is dredged up by -- surprise! -- states with small populations. So, let's look at the underlying assumption:

The electoral college ensures that small state issues do not get overrun by the concerns of larger states.

If the above were true, then wouldn't presidential campaigns focus more on smaller states? That doesn't happen though. Regardless of the Electoral College, smaller states are ignored by presidential campaigns. Campaigns and campaign platforms favor battleground states, not small states. The battleground states -- the ones that affect the outcomes of the elections get most of the attention and pork thrown their way by presidential candidates. Neither California nor North Dakota received much attention during the 2016 election. States like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio did. Those aren't small states.
True but this is why some states have more or less electoral votes than others
Now cali has a big chunk as does flo and ny but if you fly over the midwest you loose a bunch cuz it has the industry and farmers...these peeps are not nessisarly lined up with what goes on the coasts so if you dont jerk them off too..your fucked...this is why a moderate hits all cylinders now trump tapped the "forgotten" middle ground and they bit hook line and sinker....trumps base ....we must remember trump was a demo before he was repub
True but this is why some states have more or less electoral votes than others
Now cali has a big chunk as does flo and ny but if you fly over the midwest you loose a bunch cuz it has the industry and farmers...these peeps are not nessisarly lined up with what goes on the coasts so if you dont jerk them off too..your fucked...this is why a moderate hits all cylinders now trump tapped the "forgotten" middle ground and they bit hook line and sinker....trumps base ....we must remember trump was a demo before he was repub
trump teamed up with a murdering dictator, committed treason against the united states, and still got less votes

the american people chose hillary

then, two years later, they gave the biggest "FUCK YOU" ever to little racist donald and all of his dicksucking fanboi racists like you
trump teamed up with a murdering dictator, committed treason against the united states, and still got less votes

the american people chose hillary

then, two years later, they gave the biggest "FUCK YOU" ever to little racist donald and all of his dicksucking fanboi racists like you
Now we know where the socialist indoctrination is
You have been exposed
And marginalized
Your infantile rederick is your undoing
Absolutely but The electoral vote was established in the drafting of our has been the way we decide on the election of a president ever since....i get it some folks want popular vote to reign...but its just not the law never has been...if you want to change it you must change the you want just the states with the largest populations to decide?
Would this not disenfranchise some american citizens from having a vote?

We needed electors to elect Washington.

It's not the 1700's any more.

What other free country on earth doesn't use direct popular vote?

Of course we could discuss the real reasons why there's an electoral college.
But then we'd be counting certain people as 3/5 of a person, wouldn't we?

Or maybe you're proud of that heritage?
Im open for change...but you gotta ratify it by the rules ....wouldnt be america if you didnt do like that....assuming your a real american...trump may be a baffon..we get it...but hes blowin up the bullshit thats been brewin up
For far too long...
Hey if nothin else hes exposin dirty lil corners in gov that need some sunlight...MAGA
Spelling nazi makes you look like an anal retentive closet queer
Grow up
You don't really imagine that what you think I look like means fuck-all to me, do you?

I have not corrected your spelling. I have merely insulted you about it.

Wanna know what you look like to me?
Couldnt give more of a rats ass.....your insignificance precludes you
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I get me...but hillary knew if she could not lock up the electoral vote...its over
Now if shes lookin for a participation sure trump can hook her up with a lil sumpin sumpin...but its still trump shittin in the whitehouse toilets....maybe you could have got out there and rustled her up some votes in the midwest....lord knows she didnt...but you know in your heart of hearts she was a flawed candidate
If the dems come up witha moderate level headed might even get me to vote for im...but this country is not ready for radical just aint
Sorry to tell ya but you guys created trump...if the dems quit bein scrambled eggs you might have a chance to out an incumbent.....if not the odds are 4 more years of trump...js
Have you considered self-immolation as a principled political statement?