Va Governor Blackface or KKK robe? Your choice!

You are like Al Gore flying in to events in his private jet to lecture us on global warming. No telling just how depraved you really are.
I get that you neo-Nazis want world domination and the destruction of all things that are not 50 years in the past and everything but what is there for you to object to in the following statements?

Don't defend Nazis.

No means no

Be civil towards others
I get that you neo-Nazis want world domination and the destruction of all things that are not 50 years in the past and everything but what is there for you to object to in the following statements?

Don't defend Nazis.

No means no

Be civil towards others
The liberal modus operandi is now on full display. Falsely accuse others of the shit you are doing yourself. Weak sauce Fogdog. I am praying for you.
The liberal modus operandi is now on full display. Falsely accuse others of the shit you are doing yourself. Weak sauce Fogdog. I am praying for you.
Wow, your conservapost generator must have stroked out Tuesday night due to Trump's face plan along with most fat old men who voted for Trump. That post was vacuous.

Explain without the assistance of electronic aids for the special needs-conservatives what is wrong with these statements:

Don't defend Nazis.

No means no

Be civil towards others
Wow, your conservapost generator must have stroked out Tuesday night due to Trump's face plan along with most fat old men who voted for Trump. That post was vacuous.

Explain without the assistance of electronic aids for the special needs-conservatives what is wrong with these statements:

Don't defend Nazis.

No means no

Be civil towards others
I'm not interested in your white supremacy misogynist ideas Fogdog. The jig is up.
I agree, white libs that joyfully wore black face should chill out on calling others racist.

just because they wore blackface once doesn't mean they're incorrect to call morons like you racist now

just stop crying about being called a racist. you are a racist
not by nearly 10 points though

we handed you the worst defeat in american history. it only took americans two years to get that sick and tired of you dumb racist chuds and your constant lying bullshit
Really even worse than.Trump poundin the cold snot out of shillary for president? Seems your all still bleedin from the ass on that one...
By getting less votes?

Americans chose Hillary over trump you retard
By getting less votes?

Americans chose Hillary over trump you retard
Are you serious?you do know that our elections are decided on electoral college votes....right? Wow maybe you really dont...can anyone vouche for the age of these people responding on this thread....cuz i havnt heard someone call anyone a retard since grade school...very suspect
Are you serious?you do know that our elections are decided on electoral college votes....right? Wow maybe you really dont...can anyone vouche for the age of these people responding on this thread....cuz i havnt heard someone call anyone a retard since grade school...very suspect
The President of the United States, should be elected by the people of the United States.

Wouldn't you agree?
Are you serious?you do know that our elections are decided on electoral college votes....right? Wow maybe you really dont...can anyone vouche for the age of these people responding on this thread....cuz i havnt heard someone call anyone a retard since grade school...very suspect
Hillary kicked trumps ass by 3 million American voters