UV flowering question


Active Member
i read in the grow FAQ that UV light is good for a plant when its flowering, mine is 3 weeks in and id like to add UV lighting if this is true. does that mean i could simply use a black light? or not?


Well-Known Member
there are several different threads that are currently discussing this.....you can prolly find them with a simple search for UVB light? good luck...and keep us updated on your progress.


Active Member
i searched and read the thread you spoke of, but i still dont know if i can use a black light or not. im told black lights are UV light, but i also hear they put out bad light :s so can black lights be used or not? i have a 46 watt one that i bought from a store to make a poster in my room glow xD could that work?


New Member
UV (UVB) does not mean blacklights..blacklights give off no light spectrum..
i think UV is like Purple/bluish lights (ultra Violet?)


Well-Known Member
I would have to go back to confirm....but I believe blacklights are predominantly UVA light (320-400nm) and not of ans much benefit (or possibly even little?) to plant photoactive processes. The component of light that appears to be most beneficial is the UVB (280-320nm). Reptile lights do appear to have some beneficial attirbutes as well. I have posted elsewhere some basic charts of light spectrum and photosynthetic activity......The debate remains highly active at this stage. I am in running out the door at the moment....but will try and come forward with more helpful info maybe a little later.:blsmoke:
i searched and read the thread you spoke of, but i still dont know if i can use a black light or not. im told black lights are UV light, but i also hear they put out bad light :s so can black lights be used or not? i have a 46 watt one that i bought from a store to make a poster in my room glow xD could that work?


Well-Known Member
Black lights are definitely 100% UVA sources of radiation.

You need a lizard lamp or something for UVB light.


Well-Known Member
Amazon.com: Reptisun 10.0 UVB Compact Fluorescent Lamp - 26W: Kitchen & Dining

you need something like this.

and just my two cents, but i have been studying UV light for a couple months now and I can say that it is my opinion that UV does have obvious affects on thc production. The part where the uvb light hits will have noticeably more crystals than parts that dont. The basic science behind this being that resin glands that hold THC act as tiny mirrors to reflect UV light. Try and get as much UVB coverage as possible. Your plants can take a lot of UVB, and they will show you signs of stress before any permanent damage occurs.