Utilizing lots of different equipment


Active Member
I've been handed down some stuff2 large fluorescent units with 10 something bulbs in each with ballasts and bulb starters and all that stuff.2 large 600W HPS bulbs with vented HoodsI'm planning on using the 2 large fluorescents to grow clones, keep mothers, and use the rest of the space under those lights for vegetative growth.Then the plants will be moved under the 2 600W HPS lights. The idea is that all of the exhaust and odor control will be done in a straight line, and i will get the most out of the equipment I have.I'll get back with the exact sizes of hoods and fluorescents asap. But I'm wondering if fitting 6 plants in RWDC under a 600W HPS is a good idea?This op will essentially be a continuos harvest, but with a good gap in the middle. This way I can come to a compromise between maintenance and harvest frequency.Am I being too ambitious with plant count? Should I put 4 plants under the HPS?How much yield would I be expecting to get out of something like this.If there's anything for me to read please shoot it over. I've been really enjoying reading and taking notes for the past week or two now.


Active Member
How many plants will fit under a light depends on how big you intend to grow them. I can squeeze 4 under a light or 10 under 2(because of the overlapping light) but I like to grow 'em to about 6 foot. I have heard of quite a few people growing 9-10 under a light though. I wouldn't worry too much about yield on your first grow. Between the 2 600's you may get a pound. After a few grows you should be able to double that though. Don't know much about hydro, I do dirt.


Active Member
I think 6 feet is all my space will allow. I really wanted to do a SCROG to get the most out of my lights but unfortunately i have to transplant my plants over to the "flowering room" I would have to move the screen as well as the plants. I clearly need to do some more research on SCROG, topping, LST, and other training methods that will work best with my setup.


Well-Known Member
You could veg and lst then just train the plants into a scrog during the stretch once you put them in the flower room.

A word to the wise, I have heard people call perpetual growing the perpetual pain in the ass