Utah Woman Charged With Lewdness After Being Topless In Her Own Home

In my city it's legal for women to be topless. 20 years or so ago a local lesbian group (that's what they called themselves pre-y2k) held a topless carwash as some fundraiser. I drove by to check it out but decided I was better off washing my own car.
In my city it's legal for women to be topless. 20 years or so ago a local lesbian group (that's what they called themselves pre-y2k) held a topless carwash as some fundraiser. I drove by to check it out but decided I was better off washing my own car.

If you gotta ask, stay outta Utah, because they'll probably react even worse when ya showing your penis to other people's kids.
What reason is that?
Clothes have been around since prehistoric times and for more reasons than to keep warm. When textiles emerged along with agrarian based civilizations clothing played an even larger role when we stopped living in small intimate groups and moved into larger towns and cities. Some of those reasons were sexual in nature and women in particular used it as a means of protecting their honor and chastity against rape and sexual assault.

In today's world many muslim cultures, swaddle women and lock them up and allow the rapists and perverts to run free. It's considered the woman's fault for being immodest and exciting the man to "sin", instead of locking up men without even basic impulse control. In modern America many teenage girls would roam the high school halls stark naked if given the chance cock teasing the boys to distraction. The boys would be walking around with woodies and such young men are plenty horny enough already. Of course America's chronic obesity problem would become alarmingly apparent too! Most people over forty favor clothing for a reason:D
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dude, kids have enough shit to deal with, without having their hormones carbonated every morning by a semi naked step mother. if your family is into nudism, and they're all used to it, that's one thing. if there are 13 year old boys running around the house, step mom getting partially nude probably isn't the best idea... 13 year old boys are bubbling fumaroles of testosterone and semen....
I suspect he's asking in more of a root cause kind of way, akin to asking why America is so pent up weird about anything relating to sex, which I think goes back to Christianity.
I suspect he's asking in more of a root cause kind of way, akin to asking why America is so pent up weird about anything relating to sex, which I think goes back to Christianity.
Have a look at other non Christian cultures like traditional China and India for example. Any large scale agrarian society clothes women and men, the only exception I know of are in India where some "holy men" go about butt naked, but never with a hard on! In ancient civilizations like Rome or Greece nudity among men was more common, in Greece the women even wore veils like in some muslim countries. Tribal tropical pre agrarian cultures are a different matter and even they are not completely nude. Clothing predates Christianity and is used as a matter of sexual control in larger impersonal communities of humans, human males are sexualy excited by images of the female form, pornogrhapy is big business for a reason.
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