Using Urine As fertilizer?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You have to use fresh urine which is high in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If you let it sit out for very long it will develop high levels of ammonia and bacteria (which is detrimental to your plant and you personally). Fresh urine is bacteria free for about 24 hours. Then it starts to break down and produce the ammonia and bacteria.

Personally I wouldn't but there really isn't a reason not to.


Sector 5 Moderator
A little trivia for ya that I learned this in college as a medical lab technology major. Before there were test strips for diabetes, doctors would actually taste urine to see if they could taste the sugar. I shit you not. I guess that's why doctor's visits became so expensive. Carne Seca is right; fresh urine is sterile, unless you have a bladder infection or a UTI.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to bother you potpimp so maybe next time you see a thread titled "using urine as fertilizer" you could just not open it?? Just a thought....
It was the tour guide only who said the Romans used piss for the garden as well as brushing their teeth and bleaching clothes. Farmers and gardeners have known for centuries that wizz was high in nitrates and uric(sp) acid both which plants enjoy. Let me know if you need anything to brush your teeth with pimp.. I'll hook you up for nadda.:shock:Why search when you can get such valuble imput so quickly.
they brushed their teeth with it too?!


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying it is not useful as fertilizer or had historical uses. I just have a mandate as a mod to eliminate spam. Posting the same thing every week is considered spam. It's like the weekly "How many pounds can I get off a cfl?" I have to check out threads to make sure everything is civil and nobody is spamming for cheap Canadian prescription meds. :)

Your offer is very generous but I must decline. BTW, welcome to Rollitup.
spamming is off topic or the same person posting the same thing multiple times bro......they can have as many "can i use piss as fertilizer" threads as they want.


Well-Known Member
There's a search box up at the header,there must be 200 threads on pissing on your plants.The tools are there for a reason fellas.


I know its possible. As long as its not piss thats been sitting out for awhile filled with bacteria an shit.

why not use real fertilizer...


Well-Known Member
I don't wizz ON my plants I wizz ON the compost pile. The browns and greens for composting are free and I try and buy as little NPK as possible. ;-) Ferts and fancy soils are cool but not needed when you can just make your own.

I'm just a little tense!! I have a urine test to take in a couple of hours and I have been up all night studying but I'm still worried. :lol: It's sad that the opiates and benzo's and such are long gone from my body but I gotta worry about weed. I have three more gallons of water to drink before the show and am hoping the B12 adds some color.

I do use the search feature quite often but "fresh" conversations are more enjoyable. I'm betting that after 3500 posts everything is a repeat but for us 40 post members it's all new. PS.. I'm not wearing any underwear.:-(
Rock on budski's :leaf: