Using Urine As fertilizer?


Active Member
hey guys im just wondering if i could use my urine as fertilizer ive heard lots of bad things and good things, and if you are on a good diet it will be better.
Just buy some real fertilizer. Nitrogen is not used by the plant as much after the stretch phase of flowering. however a few veg feedings while in flowering helps you keep your leaves around and healthy for as long as possible instead of them dying off from nitrogen def., keeping the leaves around and making energy for the plant outweighs any negatives of using n in flower, while on the subject ive never seen any proof using nitrogen inhibits or effects flowering in any way. it is best to change the nutes because the plant uses more of specific nutes depending on the phase and i think somehow people twisted that into nitrogen being bad/inhibiting for flowering.
I just read in a grow book about one grower doing that, the author quoted the grower as that he believes in it as a nute, but the author made a good remark about the urine possibly affecting the taste of the bud. Even if it might not affect the taste I would not be very keen to smoke something that has been pissed on for weeks.
Using urine in your garden is generally not as simple as just wizzing on your plants but even the ruins of pompeii reveal that folks were encouraged to SAVE their urine for use in the gardens which which I believe proves that they were also getting stoned!! There was a phrase or mantra saying "leave your urine here". They were clearly stoned individuals.
I have been pissing on my compost heap for decades. It's hard to demonstrate empirically that it is of any benefit but it is fun. I not so sure you could wizz on your plants enough to make them taste like piss but it IS a little creepy to think about. :-o

Hell... half the produce we import is fertilized with human #2 so I hope there in not a flavor transfer.:sad: Always piss outside anyway.. Saves a ton of water over flushing. If it's brown flush it down and if it's yellow let it mellow:dunce:
the only reason i could see anyone pissing on the garden would be the same reason why people say to piss on lemon trees.....which is that urine is acidic and both lemon and weed like acidic soil.... but there is a difference to pissing into the ground where your lemon tree is which has all the soil it needs to pissing into a 5litre pot of soil which would most likey be to strong for the plant.
What is this, the weekly "Can I use urine as my fertilizer" thread? Can't you people use the search feature? This has been discussed every week for the last 6 years. Give it a rest.
lol pimp my friend, there are some crazy SOBs here that shouldn't go anywhere near a beautiful marijuana plant :weed:
I KILLED ONE OF MY PLANTS IN MY LAST GROW WITH MY URINE!!!! Well I was drunk and thought it would be funny to pee straight on it and it died the day after. I must be toxic...I wont do that again :(
Sorry to bother you potpimp so maybe next time you see a thread titled "using urine as fertilizer" you could just not open it?? Just a thought....
It was the tour guide only who said the Romans used piss for the garden as well as brushing their teeth and bleaching clothes. Farmers and gardeners have known for centuries that wizz was high in nitrates and uric(sp) acid both which plants enjoy. Let me know if you need anything to brush your teeth with pimp.. I'll hook you up for nadda.:shock:Why search when you can get such valuble imput so quickly.
Sorry to bother you potpimp so maybe next time you see a thread titled "using urine as fertilizer" you could just not open it?? Just a thought....
It was the tour guide only who said the Romans used piss for the garden as well as brushing their teeth and bleaching clothes. Farmers and gardeners have known for centuries that wizz was high in nitrates and uric(sp) acid both which plants enjoy. Let me know if you need anything to brush your teeth with pimp.. I'll hook you up for nadda.:shock:Why search when you can get such valuble imput so quickly.

I'm not saying it is not useful as fertilizer or had historical uses. I just have a mandate as a mod to eliminate spam. Posting the same thing every week is considered spam. It's like the weekly "How many pounds can I get off a cfl?" I have to check out threads to make sure everything is civil and nobody is spamming for cheap Canadian prescription meds. :)

Your offer is very generous but I must decline. BTW, welcome to Rollitup.