Here is some info from fatman from a thread on this site somewhere.. It is about bleach and hygrozyme...
Also, I am ordering a free chlorine meter.. I think it will be handy to test my hydro rez and my hot tub.
now the post from fatman:
"I recommend an initial dose of about 2 ppm to 2.5 ppm and a residual level of 0.5 ppm. Higher doses such as used by commercial green house growers are because they quite often use surface water and water from open irrigation canals. These often have Pythium that are more resistant to chlorine that can require up to 4 ppm to kill. However a maintenance (residual) level of 0.5 ppm will keep re population of even the more resistant Pythium from reestablishing a population. Even the most resistance bacteria and pathogens are killed down to at least a 0.01 to 1 percent population by a 20 minute contact with a 2 ppm dose. So starting out with a 2.5 ppm dose nearly all chemical nutrient systems will maintain a dose high enough to kill all Pythium, bacteria or pathogens before the chlorine drops below 2 ppm. It will then 12 to 24 hours for the rest of the chlorine to dissipate down to around 0.5 ppm.
If you have a root rot problem already established then a larger 4 ppm dose would be advised for an initial dose, then drop to 2 ppm the next day and 0.5 ppm each day after that until harvest. You can easily use dose 100 times larger initially without harming all but young seedlings. However with such high levels you will oxidize all your iron causing it to dissipate as rust. You would kill most of any hair roots but the regrow nearly daily.
I repeat, you should not use chlorine or H2O2 with organic fertilizers or with organic supplements as it will kill the bacteria and enzymes they contain. Remember also that agrozyme does not kill Pythium, allegedly it can not compete with the hydrozyme bacteria for food so they can not multiply quickly enough to cause problems. The commercial greenhouse industries does not support that claim. Hygrozyme does not even now claim to add the beneficial enzymes they once added. There adds and stories page is full of deceptive things. For an example they claim: •
The follwing sentences in quotes are from the Hyd grozyme site at the link provided. "Hygrozyme is the only known solution on the market that can be used in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide in a ppm of 1-2% solution, a combination used by many operators to clean, sterilize and oxygenate roots." What does that mean ? We know that a 1% solution is 100 ppm and a 2% solution is 200 ppm. That concentration would be unusable in any hydroponic system (chemical or organic). Period. However consider a house hold bottle of H2O2 is 3.5%. Are they suggesting a to 1 ppm solution of a 3.5% solution. IE a 1 to 100 dilution of 350 ppm solution. That is 3.5 ppm. Now consider if it was the stronger 35% H2O2 used by most growers. That would mean a ppm of 35 ppm. That is absurd also as H2O2 is a stronger oxidizer than chlorine and Chlorine even at 2 ppm kills the "beneficial enzymes". I think they are about as credible as Fat Mikie at AN."