Using blacklights..


Active Member
best ive heard is as a suppliment light because they do admit an end of the violet spectrum used in photosynthesis growth. But as a stand alone light they just don't cut it


Well-Known Member
Good stuff stealing, keep us posted!

Off-topic, how'd you pick your name? Wasn't "stealing the name of jah" by any chance?
Haha, no it wasn't that. I used to have a username called stealing_goodies, I just cut out the _goodies part and I kept "stealing" as most of my usernames when I sign up to sites now.


Well-Known Member
best ive heard is as a suppliment light because they do admit an end of the violet spectrum used in photosynthesis growth. But as a stand alone light they just don't cut it
This is very true. ^

Oh and I used my blacklight during the flowering stage, and I did notice an increase in trichome production. I also tried the 48 hours of darkness thing at the end where you leave it in pitch blackness, no food nor water. This also makes more resin and trichomes as a self defense mechanism, as it thinks it's life is about to come to an end. The weed dosn't look the best, but it's quite potent for a once in a while smoker like me. I take one or two rips, and i'm out for a few hours. Gotta love the dreamy effects of the afghani!


Active Member
thats what i heard,
jsut the other day from a previous grower (i live in BC they're like every two houses)
but ya he said they produce light only the plant can see but not our eyes. like whit things under a blacklight are FUCKIN bright.
we just cant see the rays.
but mix it in with your HPS or warm (flowering)/cool white (veg) lights or make your own combos of lighting to get some cool results.
they will not grow you weed alone however.


Active Member
There are different types of "blacklights that you can purchase. some are not even black at all, but clear.. A regular blacklight emits mostly UVA light, but also some UVB light. The best light for UVB would be as Stoney mcfried said, a reptile light.
ya i checked it out before i started my seedlings.
the reptile ligths at petsmart are like 10-20 dollars.
PERFECT for indoor growing producing lots of UVB and UVA.
very wide spectrum lights. and come with a fixture. niice.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but on a similar note, I've heard alot of rumours about plant growth being stimulated by intense EM fields.. I'm sure most ppl have noticed that plants really don't mind growing under HV power-lines AT ALL, but I'm not sure what to think because those areas are typically sunlight/CO2 rich as well.. I suppose there would be a decent amount of ozone present as well, but I'm not sure what to think about low concentration O3.. I've only seen ozone harm plants in extreme circumstances..