Using a mixer for Substrate?


New Member
So my first time growing mushrooms and on the guide it says to use a mixing spoon..but doesn't specify if a electric mixer is alright or not. I'm guessing theirs a possible reason not to because of the clumps you get with a spoon to make air pockets? I just know it would save a lot of time..

What do you think?

New question/problem appeared so while sterilizing the jars in the pressure cooker, About 50 minutes into cooking at 15 psi (so I think I'm using a cooker with no gauge.) it seemed to lose almost all the pressure like all the water evaporated the little rocker was still moving just hardly any...I put about 1 inch of water in and I'm using a 6 quart cooker with 3 jars in it. Do I need more water next time and should it still be alright? It cooked for almost an hour at 15 psi?


New Member
Should there still be water left in the cooker when its done cooling? Also chem this thread has nothing to do with acid.

Now what about the electric mixer?


Well-Known Member
I have used an electric mixer many a time, both a hand and a kitchen aid stand mixer.

I used for BRF.

Generally though, I found it easier to put all my stuff in a large bag and just shake and kneede the bags contents.


Well-Known Member
Should there still be water left in the cooker when its done cooling? Also chem this thread has nothing to do with acid.

Now what about the electric mixer?
Yes generally there is still about an inch or so of water left.

If your PC is set up correctly 1 inch of water will last a few hours before boiling dry.


New Member
Ok so there was a little bit of water left but def not an inch...maybe I had the stove up to high? Im not a very good chef in the first place I just pretty much cook everything on high if it requires a stove so maybe boiling it on 7/10 the whole time was a bad idea?

And yes I read my PC manual but like I said not a very good cook unless it has step by step instructions...and the manual obviously had no info on cooking with mason jars, mostly meat lol