using a hps/mh security light


Active Member
THIS IS funny A week ago i purchesd 3 lights from homedepot and they were 2 security 75wattMHs and one security 80wattCFLs and i opend them up and i was like wtf damm it stupid me i gotta wire this shit up well doing it the way explained on this thread workes it is exact same way i figured out how to wire my lights its pretty darn easy and it does only take about 30 min
and for all three of those lights it only cost me 90$ take a look at the clearence tables at your local lows or home depot .....
and as for the stuff i needed to do the wireing with i found all that stuff in my garage .....
yes the temp of these lamps do get hot but its nothing 2 little fans wont help .......
Great thred tho


Well-Known Member
thanks doobsday thats exactly what i needed and those are only 22$ wow time to go buy a those come with a ballast as well? and will i have to do any rewireing? i hope this product will be a good over head light for the tops of my plants


Well-Known Member
yes comes with everything you need, just follow instructions i posted at first and your good to go. i would suggest taking the glass covering off, this will allow it more breathing space, also put a fan on it.


Well-Known Member
what u mean put a fan on it? like mount it onto the lighting unit?if this is what u mean how do i do this? cuzz wouldn't i have to cut a hole?


Well-Known Member
sorry that wasnt very clear, you dont have to mount a fan to it although that would be cool, just a standing fan blowing in its direction.


Well-Known Member
doobsday ok thanks.i will be purchaseing this light tomorrow along with the cord/tape if i have any quesions about this would u help me tomorrow? like how do i connect the green,black,white,wires and what do i connect the wires to?


Well-Known Member
doobsday ok thanks.i will be purchaseing this light tomorrow along with the cord/tape if i have any quesions about this would u help me tomorrow? like how do i connect the green,black,white,wires and what do i connect the wires to?

once you open it up and see what you have to do its almost self explanatory, but if you have a question dont hesitate to ask....:peace:


:wall: I got a Regent 70 watt HPS security light. I took it apart and rewired it in a aluminum fixture I made. I followed all the steps except I didn't make it a remote ballast because I didn't have an extra extension cord. Instead, all the parts are in the one aluminum box with the socket screwed to the top. I plan on making a reflector and hanging 2 such lights horizontally to grow 2-3 plants.

Only problem is I haven't got that far because the damn thing wont work! I wired it correctly but when I plug it in to the wall outlet in my room nothing happens... at all. No ballast buzzing, no light even flickering, nothing.

I know the extension cord I'm using is good. The bulb, ballast, ignitor, and socket are all new and look good. I've gone through the wiring MANY times to make sure its correct. But I cant get this light to turn on!! Does anyone know what the problem might be???:sad:


Active Member
did u make sure the light senor is covered up ? PUT DUCT TAPE over the sensor usually a little circular computer chip thingey on the side of the lamp>>>> THIS needs to be covered up prior to plugging it in SO THE LIGHT (meant to be outdoor flood light) TURNS ON thinking its DARK>>> IF YOU DONT COVER THE SENSOR it wont light up even if u did all wiring right, make sense? BECAUSE the sensor is not covered and your lamp thinks its daylight so wont turn the bulb on>>> aka night sensor these lamps are typical to have>>> hope that helps!!


Dont mean to burst a bubble but the forum was started a few years ago (i dropped by to see if I could create a cheap HID light). after reading the instructions (I have a above average understanding of wiring and such) I began investigating prices and whatnot. Now I have no idea about quality of products but for the cost of buying a system you would spend barely more (if any) than buying a outside light. The idea was sound, but I think that over time prices have gone down and quality is more consistent (between brands and production).

In conclusion, in my opinion, it seems the long way around now to try this as opposed to just buying a light kit (whole set).


If you want really cheep lights get to know someone that works for the local power board to hook you up with some streetlight heads which are normally 100-250w hps and mh.
And remember everyones got there price i find the three Bs help Beer Bourbon Buds. One of them will work