Useful tips on how to lose weight. Also please share yours


Well-Known Member
  • Reduce your calories gradually. If you go from eating 4000 calories a day and cut down to just 800 calories you will find it impossible to cope both physically and mentally
  • Drink water with every meal. Not only is it good for your health it also helps prevent you from overeating.
  • Hit the weights. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism
  • Do cardio at least 3 or 4 times a week. It burns lots of calories which will help shed excess fat
  • Cut or reduce alcohol consumption
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  • Reduce your calories gradually. If you go from eating 4000 calories a day and cut down to just 800 calories you will find it impossible to cope both physically and mentally
  • Drink water with every meal. Not only is it good for your health it also helps prevent you from overeating.
  • Hit the weights. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism
  • Do cardio at least 3 or 4 times a week. It burns lots of calories which will help shed excess fat
  • Cut or reduce alcohol consumption
Useful tips to lose weight full article:
I went from a 256 pound slob, to a 185 pound, sponsored competetive athlete in about a year.

Nothing drastic.

But no gym. I changed my diet, and started doing calisthenics 3 times a week.

Before I knew it I looked like a demi-god.

I dont train anymore, but still have a semi-sensible diet and smoke heaps of green, which contrary to popular belief, actually does aid in the battle of the bulge.

Raw cannabis especially, is a fucking superfood.

weed for weight loss... whatwhat?!?!?
Most people start eating just because they are bored. So get a new hobby. Also taking a walk for 30 minutes in the morning (if you can) sets your mood into doing things around the house. Taht makes you more active and moves the mind away from food. Combine this with post 1 and you are set to go.
Impressive stuff. I switched to calisthenics also, great results. Don't want to be ripped too much (but you look great anyway) but want to be able to do some awesome stuff. Btw, I guess the best advice I've heard about weight loss (and I've lost pretty much) was to stop overthinking food. We do it too much, we overthink everything we eat or we don't care what we eat and end up... well, shitty. The thing is to find a balance where available food is good, you're enjoying what you eat and you move. (Also, weed helps ( to lose weight. Lol)
Impressive stuff. I switched to calisthenics also, great results. Don't want to be ripped too much (but you look great anyway) but want to be able to do some awesome stuff. Btw, I guess the best advice I've heard about weight loss (and I've lost pretty much) was to stop overthinking food. We do it too much, we overthink everything we eat or we don't care what we eat and end up... well, shitty. The thing is to find a balance where available food is good, you're enjoying what you eat and you move. (Also, weed helps ( to lose weight. Lol)
Sounds like purty good advice. :-)
Burpees was a staple. Loved to hate them :-) I ran ALOT. Anywhere from 50-80k a week, but I was also competing at a high level in short distance races as well as Obstacle Course Racing.

I've stopped training and competing now to pursue other interests, but I still try to eat healthy. (Relatively.)

How long have you been training?
Burpees, yeah. Hate them too. I hated squats but fought through them and now love them.

I hate running. I mean I can bear running barefoot on the treadmill but hell no, I'm not doing it on the roads. I don't know. I hate every moment of it. Now I train with amateur football team and we run a lot. I can't teach myself how to love running. Any tips?

I've been doing some different activities last 4 years. Stuck to weightlifting (but when no gym, no weightlifting), calisthenics and power yoga. Calisthenics and yoga give me life because I have never been able to control my body at this level before. Hope to go further, still have to fight some pounds.
Good Advice!
I've helped quite a few people lose a lot of weight.
From my experiences its no so much knowing what to do... as much as it's keeping the motivation to make the changes needed and keep at it to see results.
I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum I have an extremely fast metabolism and have a problem keeping weight on. I also don't like to eat much. I weigh 135 and I'm 6'3 shredded and lean just need about 40-50 more pounds of mass. But just the thought of eating makes me feel sick sometimes that's one of the reasons I love weed so much it helps a lot.
Use more calories than you consume. Here's a picture:

Good Advice!
I've helped quite a few people lose a lot of weight.
From my experiences its no so much knowing what to do... as much as it's keeping the motivation to make the changes needed and keep at it to see results.
I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum I have an extremely fast metabolism and have a problem keeping weight on. I also don't like to eat much. I weigh 135 and I'm 6'3 shredded and lean just need about 40-50 more pounds of mass. But just the thought of eating makes me feel sick sometimes that's one of the reasons I love weed so much it helps a lot.

Big Macs. They're coming out with an extra large one soon.
It doesn't take 15 different tomes on diet to figure out how to lose weight. Its not a system. The simple truth is that sugar is toxic when taken in quantities greater than 8-12 teaspoons a day (depends on which "expert" you read) and one can of soda has more sugar than that. Almost every item in our grocery stores have added sugar. And "organic sugar cane" is still sugar and still toxic (poisonous) to the human body at greater than 12 teaspoons a day. As a matter of fact, there is enough sugar (which the brain needs) naturally in fruit and plants to take care of all your sweet needs. The way I see it, modern processed food is like chemical marijuana nutrients (a little goes a long way and too much results in a sick plant) whereas natural "organic" fertilizers are much more difficult to hurt your plant with. So, eat real food. Eat when you are hungry. Eat when you want too, when you have the munchies, or when you are bored. If its real food you will naturally eat what your body needs. Very difficult to be a fact sick guy (or girl) when your diet is 100% natural with no added sugar. Including meat. Exercise is simply a bonus to look good naked and be able to lift heavier things, weight loss is all about diet. And all calories are not created equal, so stop counting that shit-just setting yourself up for failure.
I recently lose close to 10 kg the past 6 months. I am not a very active person so I made some changes in my diet. I eat healthier food and though the process of losing is slower, I could not be any happier.