Used Distilled in Easy Cloner! Advice needed,

So I used distilled in my EZCloner. I just read today that I am not supposed to use that. The clones were in there for 2 days. I took them out threw them into a cup of water that it was being used it for a little bit so I could exchange waters. I ph'd water to 6.2 and put in the cloneX. i re dipped them into rooting gel. So I need to know are these clones going to be ok? Or no?



Active Member
i read the article written by the maker of the EZ cloner who said to use tap water. My tap water is about 80-150ppm, and leaves hard water spots on my cloner and rooting was super slow. I started using RO water and had much more luck. In any case your clones will be fine either way. I tried to manage optimal conditions, it still took me 2 weeks to root in my cloner. Could be my strain, seems to root slow.


Well-Known Member
and gel is just a waste since in a ez cloner the misters are gonna wash it right off. I usually use nothing but clonex liquid but now I'm looking at azos. I've got a little of both in the cloner atm but next run I'm gonna try nothing but dechlorinated water and azos.


Well-Known Member
I see you also said you ph'd the water to 6.2 (when it should be 5.5 or so) and then put in the clonex, clonex will affect ph and you should add it first then ph to 5.5 or so. 72-82 degrees on the solution(I tend to stay on the lower end at 73 F or so).


Well-Known Member
and about your mite issue, mighty wash by NPK, safest most affective stuff around, use it once , see the results, never use another thing again. I don't even look for them anymore. I just do a routine spray every 2 weeks or so, costs me 20 bucks a month and works very well.


Active Member
Leaves turning yellow is normal as nutrients are sucked from the leaves to feed the growth of new roots. I do notice that I got alot less of this since switching to Aero. If you are getting new growth that seems like a sign you're girl is still healthy. Once rooted I feel like I could even veg my girls in there a while if I wanted they grow so well.
Leaves turning yellow is normal as nutrients are sucked from the leaves to feed the growth of new roots. I do notice that I got alot less of this since switching to Aero. If you are getting new growth that seems like a sign you're girl is still healthy. Once rooted I feel like I could even veg my girls in there a while if I wanted they grow so well.
Ok cool. Should I clip off the yellow leaves or no? And my plan is to keep them in their for a little then plop em into some soil.