Interesting op, however.
You obviously havent traveled to the UK or if you have are part of the problem.
The people i speak to over there are in misery.
No way to protect yourself at all,and the scum bags all use knives now and as my one friend told me, 'they know right where to stab you to kill you'
Not allowed to have a gun, ball bat, hammer,waffle iron nada, and if someone does break into your home, dont you dare touch them.
Islam has taken over most of europe now , islam is NOT a religion, it is a geopolitical form of government.
The reason the U.S. is suffering is because people with the same idiotic ideas are trying to push our constitution out of the way to make room for THEIR agenda.
Both parties are corrupt and disgusting, but the left outslimes anything ive ever seen.
The U.S is indeed in serious trouble , our school system (ran by liberals) believes everybody gets a prize.
No one is educated anymore since education is now BIG BUSINESS.
If people would just do a little bit of reading they would see one thing with absolute clarity.
Socialism has failed everywhere it has EVER been started.
Its the antithesis of free thinking , but thats what both sides want anyway.
You dont think they pulled gun control and abortion out of a hat do ya?
Both parties use whatever they can to keep the people stupid and docile, unfortunately they have become to greedy.