US tester


Well-Known Member
Hey guys my TDS ppm tester is playing up

I have another tester that looks the same but it say`s "US" on it and when I used to test it would give a much higher number then my TDS would as I was using tds and ppm I never bothered to work out how to use the "US"

If my TDS was around say 800 then my US would be something like 2000 or 2400 I can`t remember exactly anyway if anyone can give me any pointers on if I can use this to work out my ppm then that would be great as I may have to buy a new TDS tester and I`m not happy about that because just last week my ph tester packed up.


Well-Known Member
What the US tester ? Nope I have no clue it did not even come with instructions hence why I`m asking

My tap waters TDS was always around 300 and I was happy that was correct because it tested up distilled water correctly

I have no clue what a US meter is I ordered an EC meter expecting to get something that I could test EC with as in I was expecting it to say 0.7 or 1.0 but this thing seams to be able to go up to 18000 what the hell is it ? It`s blue looks just like my TDS gauge but say`s "US" on it ?


Well-Known Member
...did it ever occur to you that the manufacturer might have a website with downloadable instructions?

you gotta learn to fish man.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I did fish did it occur to you that all I have is a blue tester with "US" written on it and when I typed "EC US tester" or "PPM with US meter" into google I got nothing useful ?

I`m not someone to be lazy and not try to work out how to do something myself to be honest I`m pissed off with the cunt that sold it as an ec meter because it clearly does not give you the EC it might use EC to give the US but what the fuck is US ??


Well-Known Member
Here's what we know so far your tester's not working properly, and you have no idea who to contact for help. Sounds like you need to replace it with a known manufacturer

That said, probes only last a few years (on some models they are replaceable), and if yours is ac powered then putting it in a bubbling rez can ruin it. I don't recommend Hanna, they are too delicate


Well-Known Member
Yeah I did fish did it occur to you that all I have is a blue tester with "US" written on it and when I typed "EC US tester" or "PPM with US meter" into google I got nothing useful ?

I`m not someone to be lazy and not try to work out how to do something myself to be honest I`m pissed off with the cunt that sold it as an ec meter because it clearly does not give you the EC it might use EC to give the US but what the fuck is US ??
you would be much better served being pissed at the cunt that spent his money on a piece of equipment without first ensuring he knew what he was buying.

...get yourself a Bluelabs Truncheon, it runs about $100.00USD and it measures in EC and PPM, and on both the .5 and .7 scales.

...not only that but it is brain-dead easy to use and maintain.

peace, bozo

...try to realize that you are much more powerful as a human if you can find a way to be the one at fault, if you suffer this because you got fucked through no fault of your own then you are a victim and something similar will almost certainly happen again, if, on the other hand you suffer this because you made a mistake then you are not a victim and you now have the power to not make a similar mistake again.'s your choice, are you a victim? ...or are you responsible?


Well-Known Member
Yes something is wrong with the new tester. US uses the 500 scale so it should be the lower numbers. Take it to a hydro place to get tested and calibrated.


Well-Known Member
US uses the 500 scale ?

Ok I should be able to set this thing up if I know what readings it should be getting

I can just use an electrical tester and a thermometer and some maths to find out what the tester should be reading

then I can just adjust the screw and try a few different liquids until it`s giving me the correct readings on everything

That should do short term until I can get a decent tester.

Thanks Warlock

Thanks for posting everyone else dyslexia is kicking my ass today it`s pretty hard to read what people are meaning to say if you get what I mean ?

I don`t really have tons of cash to spend on a new tester my old TDS one did the job but clearly was not water proof

My ph gauge has a wire and a probe I would assume any testing pen would be designed to be ok if someone dropped it into a res tank not that I dropped it in but my fogger`s were running so moister was able to get inside it.


Well-Known Member
So yes I`m a victim and the cunt that sold me this "EC gauge" is going to get what`s coming to him in the mean time if anyone knows what the difference is between one of the blue testers with "tds" one it and exactly the same tester with "us" on it is then please let me know still don't get it grasshopper, as long as you continue to blame him you remain a victim in your mind.

...and it's definitely NOT his fault, he did his fucking job man, he is paid to sell stuff, man, this is your failure for not doing your due diligence BEFORE you threw down your hard earned cake! ...i personally researched for more than 6 months before i bought my truncheon and i love the fucking thing! about you post a picture of this offending meter and maybe one of us will recognize it and be able to help you and in the future, don't buy stuff based on what it looks like.



Well-Known Member
Yo Bozo refresh and re-read

I`m having a bad day

Anyway my tester is giving me uS/cm my TDS gauge and US gauge are almost identical

Long story short if my tds gauge was showing 300 then my US gauge should show 600 not there tester but the info chart helped

Warlock gave me enough info to work it out myself

And bozo no I can`t tell when people are trying to help me I have many many mental problems that stop me from being able to tell via reading.