US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
they want to smash up democracy and market economies and substitute their authoritarian rule.
cool story sistah, but this is about the science and not your retarded political conspiracy theories.

and right now, the science says human activities are undoubtedly contributing to the rise in global temps. even the skeptics and oil companies admit that by now. only duped partisan retards like you say otherwise and whisper about your inane conspiracy theories.


Well-Known Member
We shall see how all of this plays out. The new IPCC report will be most fascinating. And if you alarmists want to pretend that public opinion is of NO consequence.... Proceed with all possible caution, as I truly am concerned about your future mental welfare. We ganja smokers should at least look out for each other a little bit. No?


Well-Known Member
We shall see how all of this plays out. The new IPCC report will be most fascinating. And if you alarmists want to pretend that public opinion is of NO consequence.... Proceed with all possible caution, as I truly am concerned about your future mental welfare. We ganja smokers should at least look out for each other a little bit. No?
does public opinion now affect the science that incontrovertibly demonstrates that human activities are contributing to the rise in global temps?


Well-Known Member
what a pathetic appeal to authority, even for you doer.

you have the age and stubborness, we have the science. i'll take the science any day.
No, I see what you mean,t hough. But I have no dog int his hunt. You are already spending my money. This comes from your elders.
And that is my generation. I can give fair warning.

Let me ask you this. What happens when you wake up and look back? Before forums, you are nothing but an old muttering fool in your family or the bar.

Now, you too, may one day, be the older person who has been there and done that. You might remember some of this.

You don't even know me, but you know this. I ain't comin' at it high horse. Experience matters. I have walked the walk. What if I am actually helping bro' Pad? And what if the DMI won't set for a few more years?

I think people will benefit from being around me, whether they like it or not. :) No brag. Just fact.


Well-Known Member
You will define scientist for me, so I can knock this one out of the ball park, once and for all? The debate has only been political since the anti-big oil, unproven, Greenhouse effect on Venus, was speculated about, by Sagan.

We still don't know if that happened to Venus. We know you will swallow.

It alll has been fear and emotion since then. I watch it all. You woke up yesterday, thinking you cannot be fooled.

Not a single fact has ever lined up. Ever. And as an adult I have all the years on you. You were born into Saganism. I watched it occur.

This is the 3rd time. Just give me a definition. What is the set, you call "the scientists" that all agree with ACC?"

It is simple set math after that, so i see why you will not come up to the line on this one.
Scientist - An expert in science

I'm just wondering, why do you type and phrase sentences in this way? It's not how you speak to someone in person, right?

Dark Leviathan

New Member
Well let me make it very simple;
The vast majority of computer models which are relied upon to advance the theory of ACC have been egregiously inaccurate.

Show me some models which posses even a paucity of accuracy and I may come around to your POV.
As of now, they simply and truly do NOT exist.
See that was easy, no?

No they haven't. You've been shown the models, you've been shown the data, the numbers, figures, charts, examples.. You are a denier. You simply deny anything that contradicts what you already believe. Nothing will change your mind.

I tell you to give me one single thing that COULD change your mind, I show it to you, you then move the goalposts or deny the source. Just like creationists.

You're the creationists of climate change, and the rest of the scientific community, you know, those guys that get the funding (your tax dollars), are laughing at you
I had typed a lengthy answer for this only to be greeted by a page that wanted me to enter captcha's and send messages to the administrator of the site.

I don't know what's going on but the last time I restarted Firefox, I was greeted with bright red screens when this site tried to load telling me the site was blocked and not safe.

By WHO'S standards I don't know but I'm getting sick of google and others controlling the sites - like this great one - that I want to visit.

My message was completely lost with that hijack.


Well-Known Member
I had typed a lengthy answer for this only to be greeted by a page that wanted me to enter captcha's and send messages to the administrator of the site.

I don't know what's going on but the last time I restarted Firefox, I was greeted with bright red screens when this site tried to load telling me the site was blocked and not safe.

By WHO'S standards I don't know but I'm getting sick of google and others controlling the sites - like this great one - that I want to visit.

My message was completely lost with that hijack.
It's happened to me a dozen times before, too.. It sucks when you spend a lot of time replying then that happens. I've learned to copy everything before I hit submit just in case. The captcha has been popping up for me a lot lately too, same thing with the malware notifications the past day or two

Dark Leviathan

New Member
It's happened to me a dozen times before, too.. It sucks when you spend a lot of time replying then that happens. I've learned to copy everything before I hit submit just in case. The captcha has been popping up for me a lot lately too, same thing with the malware notifications the past day or two
Good to see I'm not alone on this. (Misery loves company?) There's an entire thread on it elsewhere so I think staff are trying to figure it out. But there's no mention there of the "Captcha" page coming up.


Well-Known Member
Good to see I'm not alone on this. (Misery loves company?) There's an entire thread on it elsewhere so I think staff are trying to figure it out. But there's no mention there of the "Captcha" page coming up.
Capcha is because malware is another catagory from virus. So you need a different checker....a malware defeat. Lavasoft. If you do that, it stops asking for capcha.

Hey, I've got to do this again. I'm getting the next level. Prohibited.

Dark Leviathan

New Member
And as an adult I have all the years on you.
what a pathetic appeal to authority, even for you doer. you have the age and stubborness, we have the science. i'll take the science any day.
I believe you need to be aware that, "Old age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill". That said, I read Doer's post and the part you quoted as saying that he's been around long enough to see the birth of this entire "movement" and knows there is a lot more to it than simple (recent) claims about global warming. When I was in High School, we were being taught that science had determined the planet was heading towards another ice age. (I'm not joking.) My chemistry teacher was also a member of - and strong proponent of - a group called ZPG. Zero Population Growth. She believed that population growth was behind many of the problems of the world and even responsible for the predicted coming ice age. The group is still around but under a new name. (Not sure if live links are allowed so...)


Well-Known Member
Truth brother. In my life, I have seen science stood on its ear, across the board.

The basic understandings I was taught, were not true with they were taught to me. It is a basis of teaching is all. I was surprised to find, that it was proved to Albert Einstein, mathematically by Heisenberg, that the human mind cannot visualize probability waves and so no visual model of an atom can be correct.

Yeah, that was back in 1923. Dark matter was proposed in 1932. But, Hubble didn't prove there were galaxy formtions and an actual universe beyond our "island," until much later. The Math for the Higgs Boson has been around since the 1940s, and Higgs lived to see the day.

Buck is a troll. He tries to troll me in a friendly fashion. At least I see it as friendly.


Well-Known Member
I believe you need to be aware that, "Old age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill".
too bad that being a stubborn old moron who loves the heartland institute won't change the fact that human activities are contributing to the rise in global temps.


Well-Known Member
How do you figure that? There is no consensus on warming, much less man made.

Do your homework, little tipping point. Tell us how much of this man made carbon is in the atmosphere, compared to other sources of carbon?

Oh, while you are at it, give us the C13 figures in the reef uptakes....about the same, right?

What's that? Speak up? Is the C13 in reefs and air = a lot, a little bit, or a meager non-statically significant amount?

What's that? Speak up?


Well-Known Member
This is quite amusing, because it really follows along with the theme of the original OP of this loooong thread.

Mark Steyn is the defendant in the upcoming Mann v. Steyn suit.

Some of the stoned readers of this thread may enjoy his musings;

This is quite amusing, because it really follows along with the theme of the original OP of this loooong thread.

Mark Steyn is the defendant in the upcoming Mann v. Steyn suit.

Some of the stoned readers of this thread may enjoy his musings;

Everyone is in agreement that everyone is in agreement. Salon:
10,883 Out Of 10,885 Scientific Articles Agree: Global Warming Is Happening, And Humans Are To Blame

What? There's two articles that don't toe the party line? Who wrote them? Where do they live? How did they slip through the crack peer-review perimeter security?
If you see these highly dangerous individuals, don't approach them. Instead, call the SWAT team. Gawker:
Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

That's Adam Weinstein, and he means it:
Man-made climate change happens. Man-made climate change kills a lot of people. It's going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people's deaths. It's time to punish the climate-change liars...
Those malcontents must be punished and stopped.
Deniers will, of course, fuss and stomp and beat their breasts and claim this is persecution, this is a violation of free speech. Of course, they already say that now, when judges force them into doing penance for comparing climate scientists to child-rapist and denial poster-boy Jerry Sandusky.

Actually, only one scientist - Michael E Mann - was compared to "denial poster-boy Jerry Sandusky", because they were both employed, investigated and exonerated by the same corrupt institution. But Weinstein has had it with this free-speech rubbish:
First Amendment rights have never been absolute. You still can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater. You shouldn't be able to yell "balderdash" at 10,883 scientific journal articles a year.
If you hear someone yelling "Balderdash!" or even "Codswallop!" at a peer-reviewed paper in The Journal of Climate Conformism, back away slowly without making eye contact, and call the Capitol Hill police:
A reporter has been detained by Capitol Hill police for trying to ask a question of Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy. [Bloomberg's Ari Natter] was detained while covering the American Council On Renewable Energy conference, where McCarthy spoke...
Natter was eventually let go after police checked with their superiors and ran a background check on the reporter, determining he had the proper press credentials.

Phew! For a moment, it looked as if some uncredentialed denialist had slipped through the net to threaten the Chief Commissar of the Environment. Unfortunately, a denialist did slip through onto the new website of statistical wonderboy Nate Silver. It was the notorious Roger Pielke Jr, and the ever-alert Michael E Mann was quick to denounce Silver's new venture as "yet another outlet for misinformation". Mann's fellow self-conferred Nobel Laureate Kevin Trenberth also disparaged Pielke's work. Instead of skulking away in shame, the rabid denialist Pielke launched a vicious personal attack on the two climate heroes:
Two prominent climate scientists say Roger Pielke Jr., a controversial writer at Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight site, sent emails threatening possible legal action in response to their criticism of his findings for the data-driven news site.
Pielke says it's "ridiculous" to characterize the emails as threats against Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, and Dr. Kevin Trenberth, a distinguished senior climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. FiveThirtyEight, however, apologized to both men.

Dr Mann declined to release the email, as is his custom. But he did say it contained a thinly veiled threat of legal action. Is this what the world is coming to? What sort of scientist goes around issuing legal threats to anyone who disagrees with him? Fellow self-garlanded Nobel Prize winner Dr Trenberth did, however, make public the text of his own threatening email from Pielke. Its ugly viciousness may shock you:

"Once again, I am formally asking you for a public correction and apology," Pielke wrote to Trenberth and his bosses. "If that is not forthcoming I will be pursuing this further. More generally, in the future how about we agree to disagree over scientific topics like gentlemen?"
Agree to disagree like gentlemen? If that's not shouting "Balderdash!" at a crowded peer-reviewed production of Les Warmerables, I don't know what is. These malcontents must be punished and stopped.
Everyone is in agreement that there must be no disagreement. Everyone knows climate change will kill millions of people. Just ask Dr Mann's fellow IPCC author, Richard Tol:

Less cold winters may mean fewer deaths among the elderly, and crops may grow better in some regions.
Fewer deaths among the elderly? We'll just have to make up for it with more beheadings of deniers.

Yes indeed, as Buck and his fellow High Priests of ACC are sharpening up their axes.:mrgreen:
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