US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
The vast majority of computer models which are relied upon to advance the theory of ACC have been egregiously inaccurate.

Show me some models which posses even a paucity of accuracy and I may come around to your POV.

No they haven't. You've been shown the models, you've been shown the data, the numbers, figures, charts, examples.. You are a denier. You simply deny anything that contradicts what you already believe. Nothing will change your mind.

I tell you to give me one single thing that COULD change your mind, I show it to you, you then move the goalposts or deny the source. Just like creationists.

You're the creationists of climate change, and the rest of the scientific community, you know, those guys that get the funding (your tax dollars), are laughing at you


Well-Known Member

No they haven't. You've been shown the models, you've been shown the data, the numbers, figures, charts, examples.. You are a denier. You simply deny anything that contradicts what you already believe. Nothing will change your mind.

I tell you to give me one single thing that COULD change your mind, I show it to you, you then move the goalposts or deny the source. Just like creationists.

You're the creationists of climate change, and the rest of the scientific community, you know, those guys that get the funding (your tax dollars), are laughing at you

tell me, pada.

are you in the habit of annexing sovereign nations, rounding up their jewish populations, making them dig large holes, and then making them stand in them while they are mostly executed or otherwise buried alive?


Well-Known Member
tell me, pada.

are you in the habit of annexing sovereign nations, rounding up their jewish populations, making them dig large holes, and then making them stand in them while they are mostly executed or otherwise buried alive?
I can't say that I am, why do you ask?


Well-Known Member

No they haven't. You've been shown the models, you've been shown the data, the numbers, figures, charts, examples.. You are a denier. You simply deny anything that contradicts what you already believe. Nothing will change your mind.

I tell you to give me one single thing that COULD change your mind, I show it to you, you then move the goalposts or deny the source. Just like creationists.

You're the creationists of climate change, and the rest of the scientific community, you know, those guys that get the funding (your tax dollars), are laughing at you
I have posted information which Bucky has instantly dismissed... all of the data was accurate, he did not like the source....sooo convenient, yea the WSJ has a reputation for printing inaccurate info according to Buck.
When you guys are informed as to the lack of any recent(16-17 years) measurable warming, you launch into a fusillade of ad hom invective.

Simply put,those who refuse to debate science have a political agenda.
Thankfully, most thinking people see this for what it is.
Codswallop posing as a political power play.


Well-Known Member
what's funny is that the retarded waffle can't even think for himself at the most basic level. his whole "global warming nazis" thing was lifted DIRECTLY from roy spencer (who is not only a denier, but a creationist who takes an evangelical pledge on the issue of AGW).

[h=2]Time to push back against the global warming Nazis[/h]February 20th, 2014 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

Yeah, somebody pushed my button.

When politicians and scientists started calling people like me “deniers”, they crossed the line. They are still doing it.

They indirectly equate (1) the skeptics’ view that global warming is not necessarily all manmade nor a serious problem, with (2) the denial that the Nazi’s extermination of millions of Jews ever happened.

Too many of us for too long have ignored the repulsive, extremist nature of the comparison. It’s time to push back.

I’m now going to start calling these people “global warming Nazis”.

The pseudo-scientific ramblings by their leaders have falsely warned of mass starvation, ecological collapse, agricultural collapse, overpopulation…all so that the masses would support their radical policies. Policies that would not voluntarily be supported by a majority of freedom-loving people.

They are just as guilty as the person who cries “fire!” in a crowded theater when no fire exists. Except they threaten the lives of millions of people in the process.

Like the Nazis, they advocate the supreme authority of the state (fascism), which in turn supports their scientific research to support their cause (in the 1930s, it was superiority of the white race).

Dissenting scientific views are now jack-booted through tactics like pressuring scientific journals to not publish papers with which they disagree…even getting journal editors to resign.

Like the Nazis, they are anti-capitalist. They are willing to sacrifice millions of lives of poor people at the altar of radical environmentalism, advocating expensive energy policies that increase poverty. And if there is a historically demonstrable threat to humanity, it is poverty.

I’m not talking about those who think we should be working toward new forms of energy to eventually displace our dependence of fossil fuels. Even I believe in that; after all, fossil fuels are a finite resource.

I’m instead talking about the extremists. They are the ones who are sure they are right, and who are bent on forcing their views upon everyone else. Unfortunately, the extremists are usually the only ones you hear from in the media, because they scream the loudest and make the most outrageous claims.

They invoke “consensus”, which results from only like-minded scientists who band together to support a common cause.

This authoritarianism tends to happen with an over-educated elite class…I have read that Nazi Germany had more PhDs per capita than any other country. I’m not against education, but it seems like some of the stupidest people are also the most educated.

So, as long as they continue to call people like me “deniers”, I will call them “global warming Nazis”.

I didn’t start this fight…they did. Yeah, somebody pushed my button.


Well-Known Member
stop evading the question, you pussy. tell me who started in with all this nazi bullshit.

You side opened the door with your ill conceived and driven by desperation for the need to evade debate by the invocation of the idiotic use of Climate Change Denier.
Wow Buck you are flailing and sputtering like a true roman candle of nonsense...


Well-Known Member
You side opened the door with your ill conceived and driven by desperation for the need to evade debate by the invocation of the idiotic use of Climate Change Denier.
Wow Buck you are flailing and sputtering like a true roman candle of nonsense...
stop stalling and answer the question, HITLER.

who started in with all the NAZI nonsense?


Well-Known Member
I have posted information which Bucky has instantly dismissed... all of the data was accurate, he did not like the source....sooo convenient, yea the WSJ has a reputation for printing inaccurate info according to Buck.
When you guys are informed as to the lack of any recent(16-17 years) measurable warming, you launch into a fusillade of ad hom invective.

Simply put,those who refuse to debate science have a political agenda.
Thankfully, most thinking people see this for what it is.
Codswallop posing as a political power play.
The source is important. You seem to be devaluing it by saying he dismissed it out of convenience and not because of any conflict of interest which, from reviewing the other sources he's dismissed, have been accurate. Like I said, the anti-climate change deniers can't cite a source who does not have a conflict of interest, I haven't seen a single one yet. Some valid scientist who is not making money from denying the consensus.

There is no 17 year cooling cycle. This is a myth fabricated by the people you agree with who hold conflicts of interest in regards to denying anthropogenic climate change, you've been shown the proof of this over and over and over again, you simply deny it

Nobody is refusing to debate the science. YOU are refusing to accept the science. YOU have a political agenda, even Doer admits it

Most "thinking people" are in that 97% scientific consensus...


Well-Known Member
stop stalling and answer the question, HITLER.

who started in with all the NAZI nonsense?
Evidently you are unable to read my posts.
You ACC NAZIS started with the Nazi reference.
Your hysterical and amusing fuming and sputtering as a pathetic means of deflection are quite childish, albeit not surprising.


Well-Known Member
The source is important. You seem to be devaluing it by saying he dismissed it out of convenience and not because of any conflict of interest which, from reviewing the other sources he's dismissed, have been accurate. Like I said, the anti-climate change deniers can't cite a source who does not have a conflict of interest, I haven't seen a single one yet. Some valid scientist who is not making money from denying the consensus.

There is no 17 year cooling cycle. This is a myth fabricated by the people you agree with who hold conflicts of interest in regards to denying anthropogenic climate change, you've been shown the proof of this over and over and over again, you simply deny it

Nobody is refusing to debate the science. YOU are refusing to accept the science. YOU have a political agenda, even Doer admits it

Most "thinking people" are in that 97% scientific consensus...

Ok then, the source is important, but the data is not.
Even if said data is verifiable through other sources.
Oh, sorry, I get it now.
You guys are terrified of any debate based upon current real hard science.
See no evil, hear no evil...yea that works.
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh no, I use too many exclamation points...silly me..Bucky might become angry...oh no.


Well-Known Member
Ok then, the source is important, but the data is not.
Even if said data is verifiable through other sources.
Oh, sorry, I get it now.
You guys are terrified of any debate based upon current real hard science.
See no evil, hear no evil...yea that works.
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh no, I use too many exclamation points...silly me..Bucky might become angry...oh no.
The source of the information you are citing is just as important as the data that is cited

The sources the climate change deniers have cited have all been shown to be biased. Anyone can look back in this thread and check themselves.

Current, real hard science confirms anthropogenic climate change, you are terribly confused


Well-Known Member

There is no 17 year cooling cycle. This is a myth fabricated
Nobody mentioned anything about cooling.
I stated that there was virtually no warming, especially the absurdly inaccurate warming predicted by the bogus computer models.

This is what you guys do... simply and easily make stuff up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy who cannot capitalize correctly is going to berate me again for exclamation points.
Well done once again, Bucky.

This is fun.


Well-Known Member
Nobody mentioned anything about cooling.
I stated that there was virtually no warming, especially the absurdly inaccurate warming predicted by the bogus computer models.

This is what you guys do... simply and easily make stuff up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy who cannot capitalize correctly is going to berate me again for exclamation points.
Well done once again, Bucky.

This is fun.

You don't understand how science works, you're not qualified to hold any realistic opinion. It's a shame you get a vote
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