LiSten let me make it easier for you. I don’t need your pathetic advices such as gear up with 100s of different nutrients, install a hydro and start growing on a schedule etc.. I know exactly I can go get even clay pebbles and load it up with chemicals and start growing like you! If you missed the thought behind my post and my growing , then don’t reply! Ya all so called experts that got a feeding schedule, 100s of nutrient types you got from manufacturer, follow ever droplet that goes in there, obsessively sit and check ph and this and that.. yeah I don’t think you need to be a genius to grow that way! Point here is, for someone that never checks PH or feed plants with commercial fertilizers, I think my plants are doing pretty darn good! All I need is a little fix unlike your suggestions to throw everything away and start over
first I grow in soil, second I tend to use 2 or 3 nutrients start to finish, 3rd lol
LiSten let me make it easier for you. I don’t need your pathetic advices such as gear up with 100s of different nutrients, install a hydro and start growing on a schedule etc.. I know exactly I can go get even clay pebbles and load it up with chemicals and start growing like you! If you missed the thought behind my post and my growing , then don’t reply! Ya all so called experts that got a feeding schedule, 100s of nutrient types you got from manufacturer, follow ever droplet that goes in there, obsessively sit and check ph and this and that.. yeah I don’t think you need to be a genius to grow that way! Point here is, for someone that never checks PH or feed plants with commercial fertilizers, I think my plants are doing pretty darn good! All I need is a little fix unlike your suggestions to throw everything away and start over
Has anyone suggested that you feed a bunch of bottled nutrients here? I’m pretty sure we all said you plants look over fed, which is quite the opposite.
Who has that ban button? Page that dude up and see what’s he’s doing.

this is why other websites limit posts for new users.
Oh boy you just joined few months ago and already feeling the boss?!! It’s simply man no need to any buttons just gtfo from my post already!
You’re a dumbass for not helping and still bitching about it! It would be different if you helped and I was ungrateful, but for what it’s worth, there is nothing to thank you for so far, in contrary I asked such people and comments to keep to themselves or go somewhere else to bitch about! There are people willing to help without stinking so much like you, so the sooner you get off my post- the sooner it will weed out unnecessary “helpers”
That's fine I'll be a dumbass with the rest of them. Kinda hard to help someone who already knows everything, but you already knew that.
I never apologized nor I will to stupidity. I only thanked and I am good to those that are to me. I don’t have a split personality, what I have is actually much simpler. I simply cannot stand stupidity moreover stupid people.
so how exactly can you stand yourself? You don’t you hate yourself don’t you? So you want to come on here and take it out on everyone else.
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It seems as though all of the failed growers turn to Youtube. It's like a failed screenwriter who couldn't sell a single script decides to become a professor, and teach screenwriting.
Oh boy and who are you? Funny you complaining about knowledge on YouTube when you don’t know a simply thing as how to read. Had you read my comment you would have never replied with what you have unless you’re just really dumb.. but I’d go with you unable to either read or comprehend at least
Oh boy and who are you? Funny you complaining about knowledge on YouTube when you don’t know a simply thing as how to read. Had you read my comment you would have never replied with what you have unless you’re just really dumb.. but I’d go with you unable to either read or comprehend at least

I wasn't replying to you, but I see you have decided to take the low road and throw out insults about my intelligence. Use caution if you want to start that game.
This guy HAS to be trolling. I find it hard to believe anyone can really be as ignorant as he’s acting.

Oh well, it's kind of fun sometimes. If he is just a troll, I'm just relaxing with a few beers contemplating how sad one's life must be to spend your day trolling others.

Troll or not, this person isn't all that bright, and it's clear that they have to lie about anything and everything to keep their ego artificially inflated.
Oh boy you just joined few months ago and already feeling the boss?!! It’s simply man no need to any buttons just gtfo from my post already!
Say what you want but my plants don’t look like that! f’d up. :bigjoint: Guess I passed you already. Don’t worry I will check on you next lap
ok guys, a final note. Just as expected despite so many screams from all these so called pro growers that know exactly what my problem is but not willing to help because I’m not kissing their ass. So sad and so pathetic , you know why? Because I have read the very same posts created or replied by you and not in one I ever found any help not just to my problem, but any problem! Every post is full of garbage of people speculating or bitching mostly. So ok you didn’t wanna help me because I’m not nice, were the rest 10000 people weren’t either ? Or it simply falls into that you don’t know what it is and have no life outside this site and just get on it to get some attention since you receive none. I expected this to be as simple as , I will eventually receive a reply from knowdlwgable People that will answer at their convenience. I had no idea that this will turn into back and forth filthy group chat room discussing my experience, attitude etc... I posted directly related to a subject so whoever went off subject and left such comments first should be ashamed of themselves for being such a miserable fuck, I clearly asked those to stay away yet one even dared to say that my post was like a pile of shit for them all and compared himself to a fly on the shit. And that’s what 99% of people that commented were, just nasty flies. Sad.