So you simply could have said it politely like that! Not attack with worlds like you did. I will post another picture later when I’ll have lights off. I didn’t mean to attack you in any way, I’m just annoyed with people here that haven’t said a thing what this problem could be but complaint about my pictures . What are they also colorblind? No... they are just filthy mouthed.

Go back and read what I was replying to. I don't take shit from anybody, and I get very offended when a new member of this site insults existing fellow members.

Go back and read all of my posts. I started off extremely helpful, even after reading your bullshit first post.

You get what you give in this world, and once you give on this site and don't turn it around quickly, you're screwed for good.
I’ve seen this before. They are getting too cold that’s why they are all purple :bigjoint:

OP is very open minded. I’m sure your grow will be great. Best of luck to you bud

very dark green leaves and purple stems. Too much N blocking out micros but you knew that already.

Thanks a lot for a helpful post! You’re right purple stems indicate that it might be too cold but it also can indicate some stress that plant is going thru. I highly doubt that it might be too cold for them in Southern California. I had them growing since January and it was much colder back then around 49 Fahrenheit at nights but now it’s around 60 which according to all articles a perfect temperature. Plus they have so much warmth and sun to get during the day since I have them outdoors. I grow hybrid, give LED and sun as well. So I know for sure in terms of not enough light is impossible . Too cold is also impossible as well as too hot. Any other theories you may have ?
This is the problem . I wanted to avoid people like you junking up my post. If you have nothing to say to help, then move on! I really don’t care about your opinion on anything other than cannabis! And with or without you, I will solve this problem just as 100s Of others I solved by myself. I was just hoping this will help me figure out things faster, and this post will help millions of others with the same problem, so frankly you’re not doing it for me, you’re doing it for the community! So keep your thoughts to yourself if they are not related to the subject and that’s all I asked from the beginning to keep garbage out of this post, find another one to complaint about!

Listen .... friendly tip .
This is a forum of peers , attitudes get shut down quickly.
First and foremost... take pics under normal light .... the blurple color cast highlights shit “ unnaturally “.

Give us more info on grow :

lights .
temps / Rh
reg or auto
light cycle

That way we can visualize the grow and conditions it’s in.
Thanks a lot for a helpful post! You’re right purple stems indicate that it might be too cold but it also can indicate some stress that plant is going thru. I highly doubt that it might be too cold for them in Southern California. I had them growing since January and it was much colder back then around 49 Fahrenheit at nights but now it’s around 60 which according to all articles a perfect temperature. Plus they have so much warmth and sun to get during the day since I have them outdoors. I grow hybrid, give LED and sun as well. So I know for sure in terms of not enough light is impossible . Too cold is also impossible as well as too hot. Any other theories you may have ?
Too cold was a joke

the answer is right in front of you. You’re just talking too much to see it

they’re jacked with N and it’s clearly effecting your P intake. Ph may be ok but you’re clearly over feeding. Obvious to even novice growers. Just sayin
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you should make youtube grow videos

I will be and was planning for a year now. Why I haven’t started yet? Because unlike many losers, I don’t wanna create a channel where things need to be figured out. I’ll have a channel when I have everything figured out. Despite everyone laughing about my experience and what not. I’m probably a better grower than majority of these so called experts that don’t even know you’re not supposed to grow in a plastic pot.
I will be and was planning for a year now. Why I haven’t started yet? Because unlike many losers, I don’t wanna create a channel where things need to be figured out. I’ll have a channel when I have everything figured out. Despite everyone laughing about my experience and what not. I’m probably a better grower than majority of these so called experts that don’t even know you’re not supposed to grow in a plastic pot.
This explains so much about you.
I don’t mind helping him. You never know what people are going through. Having plant issues isn’t fun either. But don’t be a dbag to people trying to help.
Didnt seem like anyone minded helping him. In my short time here most I've come across are just trying to help. But theres nothing like someone asking you for help then calling you a dumbass!
Those are fabric pots...But plastic pots are fine, even though I prefer fabric. You are outing yourself as a complete noob who knows nothing.

I’m sure people are lining up to help you. Hold on here’s one now.

@spek9 just gives you info and the next post u go off on him. Too funny man

I can’t believe you need a clear pic in regular light to see what’s wrong with his plant. You suck @spek9 his friends can tell him without even having to see it
Still a moron, had you known a bit about nature you would have purchased a black fabric pot...doesn’t take genius to know that roots like dark, your white pot is not helping achieve darkness not to mention how dirty and nasty they will look in a few months
Oh my goodness seriously ? You’re just like that 30 year old experienced grower looking for all kinds of excuses. Just say you don’t know! Light is not going to help you gain knowledge all of a sudden! Yes I didn’t turn the second light off , so you’re getting a little pink hue which affects ZERO the quality of the pics of defining the problem . It’s clearly if not even clearer visible!
Stop, the more you speak, the dumber you sound. YOU are talking down to prolific growers!!!! You should delete your account and try again. This time DO NOT BE AN ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!! Understand???FFs
Still a moron, had you known a bit about nature you would have purchased a black fabric pot...doesn’t take genius to know that roots like dark, your white pot is not helping achieve darkness not to mention how dirty and nasty they will look in a few months
Oh, I can’t wait to see tour YouTube videos. I bet you like to say “dank” a lot and call all your buddies who grow “growmies”. You honestly have no idea what you are talking about.
Stop, the more you speak, the dumber you sound. YOU are talking down to prolific growers!!!! You should delete your account and try again. This time DO NOT BE AN ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!! Understand???FFs
FYI I’m not a prolific grower. Just saying
Didnt seem like anyone minded helping him. In my short time here most I've come across are just trying to help. But theres nothing like someone asking you for help then calling you a dumbass!
You’re a dumbass for not helping and still bitching about it! It would be different if you helped and I was ungrateful, but for what it’s worth, there is nothing to thank you for so far, in contrary I asked such people and comments to keep to themselves or go somewhere else to bitch about! There are people willing to help without stinking so much like you, so the sooner you get off my post- the sooner it will weed out unnecessary “helpers”
Didnt seem like anyone minded helping him. In my short time here most I've come across are just trying to help. But theres nothing like someone asking you for help then calling you a dumbass!

It kind of comes in waves usually. We'll have a relatively long quiet period where it seems all the new people are here to actually learn, with a desire to give back and help others.

Then we have phases where it's like a boatload of newbies come on board one after the other, all with the same negative, know it all, condescending, lying attitudes.

I'd say we're at the tail end of this current wave of idiocy.
Without stirring pot or twisting diapers .....

I spied a lot of variegated leaf on this plant , usually from shit genetics .
Natural “ lighting “ for pics means under regular room lighting.