urgent help needed with HPS wiring by 12pm tonight!!


Active Member
hey i just bought a new hps light, i have sold my cfls and my plant needs to be lit at 12pm 2night.
my lamp had not been fully wired, there is no cable to the socket. now normally i would be able to sort this no problem however this HPS with integrated ballast and ignitor is simply tooo confusing for me so i was wondering if any1 could help...
here r pics of the wiring. sorry it aint best quality they wer taken on my fone.
if some1 can help me out by midnight i will be FOREVER in their debt pleeeeease.
by the way my plant is a 1 month old ak48, if any1 is interested i will post pics.



Well-Known Member
whoa, never seen that set up before. i just have a simple one. its a purple box it looks like a converter, it plugs into the wall, and then the light plugs into it.


Active Member
yer its cos its got the ballast an ignitor an everythin all built in the geeza who sold it 2 me just said i need 2 wire in the power cable an it would b all easy an shit then i got it an its confusin as fuck lol.
an ive only got 1 hour b4 my baby needs 2 b in light!


Active Member
the ignitor is what starts the lamp up like what gives it the big lump of power to get it going i dont really know much about HPS tho im a cfl grower so that may b a bit wrong.


Active Member
Dude...its not that much hard...just connect your wire to blue and black wires..this device desnt have earth so you dont need to be worry about the 3 rd wire.


Well-Known Member
You need a cord, available at all of the hydro shops. The ballast itself is probably all wired to that point, There are a couple of proprietary cord configureations and you will want to match the outgoing plug from you ballast and they carry adapters. I would suggest you go to a web site like HydroFarm.com and identify what you have, then buy the adapters you need. VV


Active Member
ok as far as i can tell i attatched the power cable right, but i think there should be some wires attatched to the left hand capacitor as they are on the right hand 1, however im not sure where they should run to... theres not really room 4 them to be attatched in2 the same holes as the right hand ones cables r.
also the company SUCK balls i asked them to send me a diagram or something 4 help but all they said was that due to actuarial reasons they couldnt give me any instructions!!


Active Member
yer man i found a crappy light 2 stick em under then i sorted my hps i was right with the wiring right from the start i just needed a new fuse 4 my plug!
stupid or what...
i knew my electrical skills couldnt hav been that retarded lol.
my baby is LOVING having HPS instead of cfls aswell...


Well-Known Member
yer man i found a crappy light 2 stick em under then i sorted my hps i was right with the wiring right from the start i just needed a new fuse 4 my plug!
stupid or what...
i knew my electrical skills couldnt hav been that retarded lol.
my baby is LOVING having HPS instead of cfls aswell...
great man srry we were so retarded we couldn't help lol
could we get some pics of the setup and plant?:hump: