I don't blame them. It looks like they're targeting companies that sell all the parts needed to put together unregistered and untraceable firearms aka Ghost Guns. They would probably rather face off in court with the NRA than a dozen families suing them because they delivered the parts needed to build a weapon used in a mass shooting. You can still ship firearms. Not just kits that allow anyone to build their own untraceable weapon.

"Ghost Firearms Complete AR 15 Build Kits and upper receivers are a perfect place to start your next AR build. reliable at a fair price. ready to shoot"

All you need is a credit card. No background check and if you just got out of prison for armed robbery all you have to do is order a gun kit online and you're ready to roll.

They did Brownells too. Their catalog is the go-to for gunsmithing and firearm repair supplies. Not a ghost gun maker, so this is a datum I can’t put into the category.

While I dislike ghost guns (in arms negotiator terms, they are destabilizing) I really don’t like a courier service assume law enforcement activities. I wonder why actual law enforcement isn’t more vigorously defending their turf on this one.
SO has anyone nailed the NRA for their corruption yet? It seems that their cases have been pushed to the backburner, or completley off the stove. Wayne is still not in jail for his corruption, that should have been a slam dunk.

Most likely the politicians have milked the case for it's publicity and are lookingfor something new to get their names on the front pages.
They did Brownells too. Their catalog is the go-to for gunsmithing and firearm repair supplies. Not a ghost gun maker, so this is a datum I can’t put into the category.

While I dislike ghost guns (in arms negotiator terms, they are destabilizing) I really don’t like a courier service assume law enforcement activities. I wonder why actual law enforcement isn’t more vigorously defending their turf on this one.
i'm guessing because ups isn't actually breaking any laws, and is smart enough to bury protective language in their customer agreements.