Uprooting the New Racism


New Member
I wish you could magically be reborn as a poor black child in south central, see if you happen to "build" the same "walls"
Most likely, I would build the same walls. That's what I'm saying ... The "walls" are artificial. Being "poor" doesn't build walls. Being "Black" doesn't build walls. "The Man" doesn't build walls. "Whitey" doesn't build walls.

Walls are nothing more than self-imposed limitations brought about by false beliefs. The walls I refer to are the walls in our minds. You have them. I have them. We all have them to one extent or another.



Well-Known Member
Once again, I only skimmed through this thread--as I do so many.
ROFLLLLL over Wordz avatar......you know what they say. That picture speaks volumes in and of itself as to why society is determined to keep this an issue that in my personal opinion, should have been lost long ago.
"Under affirmative action, white men are passed over for jobs and promotions in business and government, and denied admission to colleges and universities to which their grades and merits entitle them, because of their gender and race."
Don't know about the rest of you, but that is RACISM at its finest----and EXCUSED on the premise of THE PAST. Leave the past where it belongs---in the PAST.
Rascism is running rampant in the society. It will only end when the majority become colorblind.
True, true.......so, I ask. Are we doing this in society when we continously and religously too no doubt, recall the PAST? I'm not going to appologize for saying this. MLK did in fact do good things, but I think it OBNOXIOUS that he should get AN ENTIRE month to glorify a race for God's sake. Jesus Christ doesn't even get that, ok? <<<huge sigh>>> Don't even get me started on all of the business establishments that close for "his day." As a parent, I have to spend numerous hours in that month researching/helping with book reports, etc. because my son is ordered to glorify him for AN ENTIRE MONTH. LOL, one year, they even wanted him to DRESS and APPEAR as him.....kinda hard for whitey. It's so sad what SOCIETY is attempting to embed in the hearts and minds of children today. My son said to me last year, "Mommy, if it weren't for MLK, I'd never be ABLE to be friends with "---"
Sorry, BS. My family is from the north.......they were NEVER instructed by their parents that it not permissible to befriend the black man. In fact, at the same time MLK was marching for black rights, the black man was riding the bus, using the same water fountains, ETC. as my parents.....and they were NOT offended by it.
You can analyze this to death, and that is exactly my point. This is exactly what is being done and in doing so only leads to racism....but it's now against "whitey."
So, while one states that racism will only end when the majority become colorblind..............I will agree wholeheartedly. Let's just remember, that works for more than just ONE race. Or, at least, it should.