Uprooting the New Racism


Well-Known Member
I guess from your perspective, you wouldn't know the crushing ambience of poverty. Walk a mile and then do your little judging trick. I've not grown up in the ghetto, but I can see the despair and utter futility of those that have. I know not the answer, it may be beyond the scope of man as man is still way to animalistic. The reptilian brain still controls the majority of mankind, Take football and all that it entails. This is teaching our young that the more violence the better. Competition instead of cooperation. I'm very negative about the mind of man ever progressing to the cooperative stage before he destroys mankind.
This is like dejavu. I remember having an argument here with you about a year ago and you pulled the "walk a mile in his shoes " crap, and then I told you that I cam from modest roots and worked my way into a pretty good life.

Then you told me you hoped I got stabbed by some poor person and robbed...


New Member
This is like dejavu. I remember having an argument here with you about a year ago and you pulled the "walk a mile in his shoes " crap, and then I told you that I cam from modest roots and worked my way into a pretty good life.

Then you told me you hoped I got stabbed by some poor person and robbed...
I certainly don't remember saying that, but it could be true. Could you show me the Post #?


Well-Known Member
Oh, my mistake. It was that you hoped I was beaten and robbed, not stabbed. I stand corrected.


Super Stoner

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Hey shame,(The name is right) let me clue you on a couple of things. Unless you make 25.00+ an hr., you can't even think about supporting yourself, let alone a family. And how does the average poor person get one of those jobs. They are all taken unless you have a relative in the fold. You make it sound so easy. Just get off your dead ass and go out and get a friken job. Well My friend, those jobs that are out there pay about 7.50 an hr, thats 300.00 a week before taxes. what the fuck are you supposed to do with that. Now you are in the working poor category and are not entitled to any govt. subsidies, no rent help, no food help, no medical help, you're actually worse off than if you had your wife and kids on welfare and sold drugs for cash. The system is fucked.
Don't put me in that category as I always worked and made the 20-25 bucks an hr. Obviously you've had a few breaks in your life also, but to call all the poor, lazy scumbags, is over the top. Krime is right, maybe someone needs to knock you upside your head and take some of your cash, give you some insight into the real world.
Amendment IV: Read it."Never argue with an idiot. People watching may not be able to tell the difference."



New Member
Hey Shame, shame on you. I didn't say I hoped at all. You have embelished what I said, read carefully, "maybe someone should" is different than I hope they would, and to be truthful here, it may verywell be beneficial to you if someone did what I said. I guess I should have finished with "and maybe not"

"maybe someone needs to knock you upside your head and take some of your cash, give you some insight into the real world."


New Member
What's holding the young men in the Ghetto back? The walls they have built for themselves in their minds.



Well-Known Member
What's holding the young men in the Ghetto back? The walls they have built for themselves in their minds.


aye yo...wtf.

i know im not reading this correctly. my eyes MUST be deceiving me!

this (your) current post speaks volumes. thanks for letting those true colors leak out!!!!!


New Member
aye yo...wtf.

i know im not reading this correctly. my eyes MUST be deceiving me!

this (your) current post speaks volumes. thanks for letting those true colors leak out!!!!!
Guys like Vi are wannabees and are the worst of the worst. They say shit like the above and for the most part really believe it, Pathetic, isn't it. they need a few days on main st. downtown detroit or any big city. I think they'd sing a different tune then.


Well-Known Member
yea med...

i'd pay Vi to roll through areas i know....and see if he wont pop that same shit. You should never judge a man unless you're ready or have been in his shoes....


New Member
How to build walls:

1. Quit school.
2. Have children before you are married.
3. Abandon those children.
4. Find something else to do for a living besides work.
5. Continue telling yourself that "The Man" is holding you back.
6. Refuse to break out of your mindset that tells you "Whitey" is holding you down.
7. If you ever get around to applying for a job, be sure you arrive at the interview with your hat on backwards and your ass-crack showing.
8. Keep repeating the words "Dis," "Dat" and No-Wa-Am-Sayn." Or, “Why you ain’t where you is go, ra?”
9. Name your children Shaniqua or Shaligua, instead of Ralph and Shirley.
10. Emulate the Gangsta rappers in every way.
11. Smoke a lot of crack.
12. Keep looking to the government for free cheese.



New Member
How to build walls:

1. Quit school.
2. Have children before you are married.
3. Abandon those children.
4. Find something else to do for a living besides work.
5. Continue telling yourself that "The Man" is holding you back.
6. Refuse to break out of your mindset that tells you "Whitey" is holding you down.
7. If you ever get around to applying for a job, be sure you arrive at the interview with your hat on backwards and your ass-crack showing.
8. Keep repeating the words "Dis," "Dat" and No-Wa-Am-Sayn." Or, “Why you ain’t where you is go, ra?”
9. Name your children Shaniqua or Shaligua, instead of Ralph and Shirley.
10. Emulate the Gangsta rappers in every way.
11. Smoke a lot of crack.
12. Keep looking to the government for free cheese.

And you aint no rascist is you?


Well-Known Member
How to build walls:

1. Quit school.
2. Have children before you are married.
3. Abandon those children.
4. Find something else to do for a living besides work.
5. Continue telling yourself that "The Man" is holding you back.
6. Refuse to break out of your mindset that tells you "Whitey" is holding you down.
7. If you ever get around to applying for a job, be sure you arrive at the interview with your hat on backwards and your ass-crack showing.
8. Keep repeating the words "Dis," "Dat" and No-Wa-Am-Sayn." Or, “Why you ain’t where you is go, ra?”
9. Name your children Shaniqua or Shaligua, instead of Ralph and Shirley.
10. Emulate the Gangsta rappers in every way.
11. Smoke a lot of crack.
12. Keep looking to the government for free cheese.

I wish you could magically be reborn as a poor black child in south central, see if you happen to "build" the same "walls"


Well-Known Member
How to build walls:

1. Quit school.
2. Have children before you are married.
3. Abandon those children.
4. Find something else to do for a living besides work.
5. Continue telling yourself that "The Man" is holding you back.
6. Refuse to break out of your mindset that tells you "Whitey" is holding you down.
7. If you ever get around to applying for a job, be sure you arrive at the interview with your hat on backwards and your ass-crack showing.
8. Keep repeating the words "Dis," "Dat" and No-Wa-Am-Sayn." Or, “Why you ain’t where you is go, ra?”
9. Name your children Shaniqua or Shaligua, instead of Ralph and Shirley.
10. Emulate the Gangsta rappers in every way.
11. Smoke a lot of crack.
12. Keep looking to the government for free cheese.

that is funny shit right there..... but wrong.....
you know what sometimes you just gotta laugh....
a poor black child in south america would be killing people by the age of 5
ever seen blood diamond!!!!! leonardo de caprio you suck.... good movie though


Well-Known Member
yeah that was a great movie, stupid how all those little kids "built" those "walls" for themselves though lol


Well-Known Member
we are but living and seing a small percentage of what is to be or has to be wow that's confusing...
we like little dots on the line of life... i guess.... god i'm bored... go home smoke a bowl repeat 5x a week... pathetic... Any girls wanna go with me to tahiti or bora bora or some cheap place and just live on da beach? you gotta be hot though... cuz i am and shit...holla...
doing the whole gansta thing today...