Updayday LED thread

Did you try Spinosad?
Totally, I've tried capt. Jack's dead bug brew( spinosad) ,earth's ally spider mites control, and homemade essential oil/soap emulsions and even permethrin spray. I hand scrubbed the 1 plant. I know when im beat. Time to start over. At least I learned these lessons with leftover ilgm beans. I'm going to deep clean before even popping another bean. I did manage to clean up some of it and got 2 zips of half done weed for edibles or concentrate or something. Did find mite source. Mom's veggie garden is full of em and my lazy dumb ass forgot to change clothes before entering grow room. Oh well it's a shit day you don't learn something.
Totally, I've tried capt. Jack's dead bug brew( spinosad) ,earth's ally spider mites control, and homemade essential oil/soap emulsions and even permethrin spray. I hand scrubbed the 1 plant. I know when im beat. Time to start over. At least I learned these lessons with leftover ilgm beans. I'm going to deep clean before even popping another bean. I did manage to clean up some of it and got 2 zips of half done weed for edibles or concentrate or something. Did find mite source. Mom's veggie garden is full of em and my lazy dumb ass forgot to change clothes before entering grow room. Oh well it's a shit day you don't learn something.
Alright did the Spinosad kill any of them at all? Or is it completely useless? Are you sure it was spider mites & not russet mites.
Alright did the Spinosad kill any of them at all? Or is it completely useless? Are you sure it was spider mites & not russet mites.
Sorry if I'm not completely up to date but Spinosad is for thrips n leaf minors. Maybe russet, idk anything about them thank god. I'm not sure what else. All these preventative/pesticides organic or not, just about all will list as being effective against almost every variety of plant bug. Yet in reality only certain ones are truly effective on certain bugs. Spider mites fornicate in spinosad. Thrips die. Thrips have dance parties in neem/oil mixes, spider mites die. I used to spend big $$$ on a neem mix. Worked great at killing spider mites and preventing pm. Had to follow up in 3 days for eggs though. Had to. Made leaves shiny AF too & claimed to not clog stomata. Then one day I bought Organicide 3-1 @ the local HomeDepot. It said will kill all soft bodied, bad insects (not bees) as well as their eggs the first shot. Yo, they weren't kidding either. I try to stay on good practices & follow up 3-4 days later but I never see hatchling. I basically do it because two coats is recommended for everything. God forbid pm did get in, two coats would keep it away. Inexpensive, highly effective on all bugs I've come across except Thrips which require Spinosad in my experience..
Caution, if decide to go Organicide 3-1, do not follow the bottles instructions. There is a specific ratio for cannabis. No more then 15ml/Gall. Smells of fish guts if over apply but goes away in 3 days. That's what I use now. Goodluck growers! No, UpDayDay Grower!
Alright did the Spinosad kill any of them at all? Or is it completely useless? Are you sure it was spider mites & not russet mites.
For sure 2 spotted spider mites. I put a 20x loupe over them. Spinosad actually killed the fk out of the live ones. So did the other treatments. The eggs are very hard to eliminate. The 1 plant had too many and was chewed up too bad. The other one is doing better. I keep treating every 3 days. I have rotated pesticides. I haven't seen any mites or eggs on the final plant for a week now. Hopefully I won't. I'm gonna fog the entire house after harvest and do better next time. P.S. yall,,I don't have the updayday either and I've had some pretty lackluster grows, but I like this page and most of the peeps. Most of ya have been really friendly and helpful and I've learned alot. Thanks for letting me hang out with ya and giving me useful info so I can get better.