Update: Bagseed Grow Start of Flowering 3rd week


Well-Known Member
I do not plan on flushing my first grow. I plan on continuing its neut regiment until harvest. If the smoke is bad I will flush my next grow. Here is a photo of most of the items I used for my first grow from seed to finished product. Next grow I plan on buying a chem fert with a higher N value for vegetation. The Schultz worked great from start to end but I want to see if anything better happens when I use something with a higher N value.



Well-Known Member
The pH down concentrate I just picked up today. I treated about 4 gallons of water with it. Filtered tap water went from a pH of 7 down to 5.5 with about 2 cap fulls per container. I have the 2 liter watering can, and the 2, 1/2 gallons of treated ready to use water. I wish I had been able to find this stuff sooner. Also picked up this little baby for 20 bucks. Comes with root gel as well as a bunch of rock wool cubes. The guys at the hydro store were incredibly considerate and knowledgeable. They didn't ask me any questions about what exactly it was that I was growing. Not one. We spoke in very vague terms. It was great. Learned a lot about cloning and the cloning process. Will definitely go back. Grow and Brew is the store. If your in south Wisconsin or Northern Illinois I highly recommend their stores.



Well-Known Member
Shes really liking the pH balanced water. Yellow leaves are starting to turn green again. Resin production is up. Buds are swelling. Black spots are still there but are not spreading.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Nice isn't it.
just like yo momma's homemade cookies haha....naw, jk...yea man it looks like i want to bite it idk why i always get the temptation to eat a tasty looking bud put some butter on that bitch and dig in..naw just bullshittin about the butter:weed:


Well-Known Member
hahaha nice grow man lookin good and yea i always want to eat good lookin buds. and snyder how much epsom salt did u mix lets say a gallon? teaspoon.