OK.. calm down guys. This is just country living. Sometimes you gotta do stuff like that. I've done it twice in 21 years out here. I don't have any now, and don't plan to do that again. These are not "house cats" .. they were wild tree cats that were over populating, over tearing my landscaping up, and doing the math, I was about to end up with 100+ cats in a matter of weeks. I like animals too. I don't shoot the deer, turkey, quail, rabbits,etc unless I plan to eat them.... and I don't. I like watching them in thier natural habitat. Don't hate me for doing what needed to be done. You guys don't understand the filth, ticks, fleas that these things in large populations can bring. It took me 6 months after I got back in my home (after a long divorce) to get rid of all the fleas. I couldn't walk 10 steps to my pool without having my ankles covered in fleas. Tree cats also carry diseases from interacting with possums, armadillos, skunks, etc. So.. please give me a pass on this one. I would feel bad if a kid got sick from "adopting" one of these filthy creatures. Just think of them as woodpeckers Padawan.... with diseases.