Well-Known Member
I'll give you a qualified yes on good ol syphilitic al, had he not demonstrated in such a way the possessing of funds beyond what he claimed to have on taxes, they would have had no tax case against him. Hell, his lawyer specifically told him to not splash out as he did.... Though really the reason he was caught by the fibbies was due to the federal court (which one escapes me) issuing a warrant for his arrest after he failed to respond to questioning summons relating to the v-day massacre. That's what brought in the fbi, and eventually led to his downfall on tax charges (had he not been a "known" boss, he likely wouldn't have been convicted of those charges, or at the very least would have had his sentence drastically reversed due to actions by the supreme court after his conviction. Apparently even if they can't prove it, judges take a dim view to people responsible for multiple murders and terrorizing the population. Mind you, because of how hard he was to catch at all we now have racketeering laws so they didn't need to work so hard the next time 
Really, you can be uber paranoid and figure they're all trying to bust us and stay black market (thusly exposing yourself to more punitive actions) but really there is very little rational reason to do so when the state has legalized it. Listing income from 1099s on your tax form will *not* automatically get the FBI to crawl up your ass. (Again, see bunny ranch and the other brothels in NV.) Just remember when you decide what color of hat to wear and how to behave that while Oregon is fairly liberal on medical (and possibly soon to be recreational) marijuana growing, if you exceed the state's limits by even 1 plant (or by selling 5+ grams) you'll find yourself in very hot water as oregon's drug laws are not without teeth. A single extra plant is a felony with up to a 10 yrs term in prison, selling 5g or more in a way that's not allowed by OMMP is also a felony with again up to 10 yrs in prison, and possession of four or more ounces than you're allowed to have is a felony as well (you can guess the prison term). And of course if you have a drug conviction you can't be OMMP anymore. If the risk is worth the rewards is between you and your chosen deity/totem/legal buddy....
The take home message (at least for me) is collect 1099s for your excess growth. Also, don't grow too many plants as the vast majority of instances in the last couple of years where the government went after state legal growers, the growers tended to be in a co-op and growing a fairly large number of plants (40+). If you have 6 trees in your rear garden, are selling to the local 1099 issuing disp, and not carrying more than you're allowed to then you are truly as reasonably safe (protected) as you can be. Really though, talk to a MMJ atty / accountant and not us (well meaning) randos heck, spend some money and get some representation on retainer if you're next level paranoid. Bad shit can, does, and will happen to people; however that doesn't mean it will happen to you if you act sanely and safely. Really, you can follow the law and rest assured that you are protected (you might very well not be), or you can ignore the law and rest assured that you have no protection what so ever (and you very well will not). I chose option A as it's easier on my psyche and I have no reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise at my production levels.

Really, you can be uber paranoid and figure they're all trying to bust us and stay black market (thusly exposing yourself to more punitive actions) but really there is very little rational reason to do so when the state has legalized it. Listing income from 1099s on your tax form will *not* automatically get the FBI to crawl up your ass. (Again, see bunny ranch and the other brothels in NV.) Just remember when you decide what color of hat to wear and how to behave that while Oregon is fairly liberal on medical (and possibly soon to be recreational) marijuana growing, if you exceed the state's limits by even 1 plant (or by selling 5+ grams) you'll find yourself in very hot water as oregon's drug laws are not without teeth. A single extra plant is a felony with up to a 10 yrs term in prison, selling 5g or more in a way that's not allowed by OMMP is also a felony with again up to 10 yrs in prison, and possession of four or more ounces than you're allowed to have is a felony as well (you can guess the prison term). And of course if you have a drug conviction you can't be OMMP anymore. If the risk is worth the rewards is between you and your chosen deity/totem/legal buddy....
The take home message (at least for me) is collect 1099s for your excess growth. Also, don't grow too many plants as the vast majority of instances in the last couple of years where the government went after state legal growers, the growers tended to be in a co-op and growing a fairly large number of plants (40+). If you have 6 trees in your rear garden, are selling to the local 1099 issuing disp, and not carrying more than you're allowed to then you are truly as reasonably safe (protected) as you can be. Really though, talk to a MMJ atty / accountant and not us (well meaning) randos heck, spend some money and get some representation on retainer if you're next level paranoid. Bad shit can, does, and will happen to people; however that doesn't mean it will happen to you if you act sanely and safely. Really, you can follow the law and rest assured that you are protected (you might very well not be), or you can ignore the law and rest assured that you have no protection what so ever (and you very well will not). I chose option A as it's easier on my psyche and I have no reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise at my production levels.
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