undercurrent gurus i have a question.


Active Member
Ok so i got the 950 mag drive and the commercial air pump. I gotta say that this fucking air pump sounds like a damn compressor:(. I dont want to send it back cuz it will put me back on my project. Does anybody use these high output commercial air pumps? I think it shouldnt be that loud once i hook up all the air lines i intend to use.


New Member
I plugged the intake port on my airpump gently with a loose piece of foam. It cut down the noise a lot and air still gets sucked in fine.


Active Member
Suspend the air pump and the manifold.. That should help reduce the noise a bit . They are loud for sure. I hear the Pond Master air pump runs pretty quite.


Active Member
So i got the system up n running, and put my plants in yesterday around mid day. Ph in the water was at 5.7 and water temps were at 67f. Everything was looking good at that point. I got home from work today, went to check the res and there was a bad smell. Checked the ph and it was up the roof. I checked the totes and bam....fucking brown roots, water stunk. I immediately knew what it was right then and there. Geesh from 1 day to the other n i havent even got started. Im trying to find out what the fuck went wrong. Any advise would be greatly welcomed guys. Back to the drawing board.


Active Member
What did you put in your sauce?

I had the slime once, and was able to get rid of it.
Make up a tote with ph'd water + h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide 35%) 5ml/g and dunk the roots, lift it out of the water, dunk the roots, lift it out of the water, do this many times till the brown comes off the roots.
Dump the tote water, refill and do the next net pot.
Drain the UC, add water + bleach .5oz/g, run system, scrub everything you can reach. Drain completely
Fill Uc with new nutes (no organics) + H2o2 @ .5ml/g and continue to add h202 every week.


Active Member
Im pretty sure i know where i screwed this one up. I added
150ml foliage pro
75ml pro tek
90ml sweet raw
100ml aquashield
15ml earth juice ph down powder
The sweet raw is what screwed it up. Just left the hydro shop to go home and fix my mess. Got some h202 and physan 20, im gonna use the physan 20 todisenfect the system itself and the h202 for the roots as ic suggested. Thanks for the pointers uc much appreciated.


New Member
Organics are usually a bad idea in dwc because of slime... don't use the aquashield if you are going to use h2o2. You should add the pro-tekt first.


Active Member
Yeah i knew about the no organics hydro, but it didnt click till it was too late. No more burning when im doing this stuff. I did the pro tek first then gro. Lesson learned...lol