Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Even if she was decent shes not worth it because of the divisiveness surrounding her and her camp. People out there in America HATE HER WITH A PASSION. A real blood hate that only Obama tops. I think a large part of the hate comes from Fox News and conservative talk radio program brainwashing. Shes a political whore....no doubt....but wow do people actually hate Clinton. If she makes it to the White House people....including Washington conservatives are going to dig thier heels in and claw and scratch and fight her on every little thing. Its beyond whether her policy is sound or not ....like Obama...if she thought of it its a no go....no matter what the issue is. Picking a Supreme Court justice will pale in comparison. That fact alone makes me not want to vote for her. Even if she was half assed decent. Trump.....dont even get me started. That guy...well i will leave it alone.
Not challenging you, I'm just looking for perspective on Hill Pill. I hope that we can agree that FOX and other republican propaganda organs have been trashing Hillary for 25 years. Outside of their stuff -- Whitewater, Benghazi, e-mails -- none of which have amounted to anything outside of the echo chamber. What causes you to HATE Hillary so much. I'm disturbed by some things she said recently but not HATE. Her corporate ties also are troubling and I want to see where this takes her in her stance as a presidential candidate.

So what is it that causes you to call her a whore? Real facts, not feelings, or FOX, if possible?
I dont hate her at all. I dont trust her as far as a stones throw but i reserve the word hate....its powerful. Fox and conservative news junkies brainwashed and drunk on bullshit hate her....very deeply. What i dislike about her....shes not genuine....at all. Deep down she is a Washington and Wall Street player all the while catering to you and i as if shes a champion of the regular folks. Of course shes not as bad as the good ole boy network of republicans in Washington...but shes still a part of that crowd. No...I dont hate her. Alot of people do though. Like everyone else iam fed up with the way shits been happening in politics and the country. Namely good decent jobs with benefits. Working people have it shitty. And neither Dems nor Republicans seem to give a rats ass about us....their employer. Manufacturing jobs need to come back home.... Bad. This global economy shit is a scam on working people. Service economy isnt going to cut it. Clinton and the Dems....Republicans...all of them are selling us out to corporate assholes like the Koch Brothers. Tired of the rich getting richer while we bust our asses to just get by. And all this other shit...benghazi....terrorism...where someone was born....picking supreme court judges...all of it is an abstraction to whats really pissing people off. Its the economy (its great for a few) and how working people are left out of it.
Iam not picking sides....no matter what side anyone wants to put me on...label me as. Iam calling it like i see it. Sanders was our best shot at righting the wrongs on the middle class since Reagan was President. Its been far too long. People that subscribe to that whole Ayn Rand libertarian laissez faire capitalism every man for himself founding father bullshit fail to realize how corporate america took that philosophy and tweeked it to "cheat" working folks out of the American Dream.
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What specifically causes me to distrust her? How she backtracked on NAFTA that she and her husband supported. How she flip flops on TPP because its very popular rite now (vote wise) to be adamantly against it. Deep down she for it. Theres too much money at stake for her husbands golf buddies (the ones that put the Clintons where they are at) for her to be truly against it.
Iam not picking sides....no matter what side anyone wants to put me on...label me as. Iam calling it like i see it. Sanders was our best shot at righting the wrongs on the middle class since Reagan was President. Its been far too long. People that subscribe to that whole Ayn Rand libertarian laissez faire capitalism every man for himself founding father bullshit fail to realize how corporate america took that philosophy and tweeked it to "cheat" working folks out of the American Dream.

I'M picking sides, that's what elections are all about!

I'm on the side of the little guy.

I'm on the side against corporate fascism.

I'm on the side of ending cash in campaigns.

I will keep fighting for the America I believe in.
Hell yes. Say it loud.
I'm trying to decide whether or not the Democratic party is still on the side that I have always been on. I'm beginning to realize -- as others have said before -- that the Democratic party no longer represents the workers, working class or middle class of this country. Or maybe it still does. But I'm beginning to doubt it. Clinton, Willie, Obama and now Clinton Hillary don't seem to me to be on the same side as the one I now occupy.

But thanks, 1991, I'll come back to your post later and think it over some more.
I'm trying to decide whether or not the Democratic party is still on the side that I have always been on. I'm beginning to realize -- as others have said before -- that the Democratic party no longer represents the workers, working class or middle class of this country. Or maybe it still does. But I'm beginning to doubt it. Clinton, Willie, Obama and now Clinton Hillary don't seem to me to be on the same side as the one I now occupy.

But thanks, 1991, I'll come back to your post later and think it over some more.

I believe the Democratic party is just as bought and paid for as the republicans are, and it is getting used to its new role; that of apologist for corporate excess and abuse of power.
I mean people have hate fpr Presidents...especially after a few years. Bush for instance....but Obama...wow. Its real bad. Thats why i dont really watch network news. Fox is the worst.
At this stage of the game....and the state of Washington in general...iam not claiming either party. A good step in house cleaning is eliminating super pac money. And the super delegate scam thag the dems whipped up. I lean towards the common working man and unions but dems left that bu the wayside in the last few years. Republicans....well we can just kick back and watch them destroy themselves.
I quit noticing and paying attention to that..
.a long time ago. Iam only reminded that our president is black by other people.