What you need to ask your self is what will bernie ever do other then nothing lets face it What does America Make ???? other then trouble ????
I know nothing your last TV company was Zenith they sold out in 87 you ever wonder why the trade DEf is as bad as it is ???
Cause you make nothing worth anything i mean Seriously think about it
When Seymour dunan was making that super computor he didn't even bother ordering chips from silicon valley ,,
He ordered them from Japan ,,
So where are these Jobs going to come from FST fucking FOOD outlets ???
You cannot compete with China , Mexico its no wonder Car manufacturers are making most of the parts and Cars there , So where ??
Bernie asks to Tax the rich so does this mean they just lay off more people close there doors A lock out
Why is it when 911 happened they sent metal to china for 1. 20 a pound where amercan metal companies were paying 1.87 a pound ???
i know cause not only would it of cost more per pound processesing would of been out of the roof
And companise like GM or whom ever would by the metal would look else where like China to buy metal
Why is it almost 100 percent of companies do not bother looking into US for anything but look in europe just like the Cree Cob unit made in CHINA and a person Mt Wang from light spot owns the patent to COB or chip on board makes new meaning to Cree cobs they probably pay A dividend to light spot