I've been peeling through articles about overwatering, and I think I may have? This plant was drooping after 2 days without water. So I watered it, and it got WORSE? It came time to water the other two and they ALSO look worse for wear... The droopiness seems to be getting worse as the days proceed, not the other way around. I have two new seedlings that seem to be doing relatively good? Here's my specs;
Strain/Type; I have Gorilla Glue, Girlscout Cookies, and Bruce Banner. All three are Autos. The two new ones are Bruce Banner and GirlscoutCookies, also Auto.
Humidity; ~60%+- a few percent on a given day.
Temp; ~77-80F during the day, 71-74F during night time.
Nutes; I just started the trio at half-strength for week 5, as they just hit their 5th week of growing. I have only watered my middle plant (The one with the hydrometer/temp gauge that's rather large for it's pot.
Age; The big ones are 4 weeks old, the small ones are 3 weeks old since germination.
Lighting; I ran with a single Mars Hydro TSW2000 300w, but I bought a second one and daisy chained them together as of yesterday. I'm running it at 100% on the dimmer for both, at approximately 18 inches from the top of the canopy. I have it set for 19/5 day/night light cycles.
Water; I haven't set a specific schedule yet, I've been going by feel, which may be a bad thing? I'm giving each 5 gallon fabric bag ~1/2 gallon of water pH'd down to 6.2-6.5, with RO water.
Ventilation; I have a AC Infinity 6" Inline Fan w/ attached carbon filter. It's the one with the attached thermostat control unit.
So, in short, he's some pics.

^^^ Here's the droopiest one. I'm seeing some yellowing and thinning on the bottom leaves. It's been about 3~ days since it's overwatering and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm worried now that it's thirsty and I need to water it again?

^^^^^^^^ My youngest. Stunted it looks like for week 3, but I figured it would be that way. Planted in final pot from rockwool cube germination.

^^^^^^ Originally my best grower, but she's drooping, and you can see the bottom leaves are yellowing as well. I just watered this one yesterday with the Big Trio for the first time.

^^^^ This girl appears to be the healthiest, but she looks like she's also drooping a little bit.
Thanks for your time in reading this. First time grower with a pretty good setup. I know it's an error on my part, and I would love help in figuring out a solution. Thank you!!
Strain/Type; I have Gorilla Glue, Girlscout Cookies, and Bruce Banner. All three are Autos. The two new ones are Bruce Banner and GirlscoutCookies, also Auto.
Humidity; ~60%+- a few percent on a given day.
Temp; ~77-80F during the day, 71-74F during night time.
Nutes; I just started the trio at half-strength for week 5, as they just hit their 5th week of growing. I have only watered my middle plant (The one with the hydrometer/temp gauge that's rather large for it's pot.
Age; The big ones are 4 weeks old, the small ones are 3 weeks old since germination.
Lighting; I ran with a single Mars Hydro TSW2000 300w, but I bought a second one and daisy chained them together as of yesterday. I'm running it at 100% on the dimmer for both, at approximately 18 inches from the top of the canopy. I have it set for 19/5 day/night light cycles.
Water; I haven't set a specific schedule yet, I've been going by feel, which may be a bad thing? I'm giving each 5 gallon fabric bag ~1/2 gallon of water pH'd down to 6.2-6.5, with RO water.
Ventilation; I have a AC Infinity 6" Inline Fan w/ attached carbon filter. It's the one with the attached thermostat control unit.
So, in short, he's some pics.

^^^ Here's the droopiest one. I'm seeing some yellowing and thinning on the bottom leaves. It's been about 3~ days since it's overwatering and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm worried now that it's thirsty and I need to water it again?

^^^^^^^^ My youngest. Stunted it looks like for week 3, but I figured it would be that way. Planted in final pot from rockwool cube germination.

^^^^^^ Originally my best grower, but she's drooping, and you can see the bottom leaves are yellowing as well. I just watered this one yesterday with the Big Trio for the first time.

^^^^ This girl appears to be the healthiest, but she looks like she's also drooping a little bit.
Thanks for your time in reading this. First time grower with a pretty good setup. I know it's an error on my part, and I would love help in figuring out a solution. Thank you!!